Friday, February 02, 2024

100 Things about me: revised version

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1. I am a silver-haired Diva who loves my family and started blogging about 30 years ago having been inspired by my daughters and I'm so glad I did.

2. Little did I know that the memories I wrote about would be memories my children wanted to know, and I am glad I can pass on the details.
3. We have an empty nest but live near our middle daughter so enjoy being around family and celebrating birthdays and special occasions together.
4. My favorite chocolate treat is Dove Dark Chocolate with Almonds.
5. My "grandma name" is "Diva".... a diva is a star performer and I want to be the "twinkle factor" in the life of my grands."
6. We call our home "the Nest" and our newsletter is called "News from the Nest".
7. I started blogging because I needed a creative outlet. I met some wonderful people through blogging and have kept them as amazing friends.
8. When I didn’t blog daily, my kids would call to see what was wrong.
9. When I was 4, I wanted to be "Dale Evans, Queen of the Cowgirls!"
10. I poked out the eyes of my Christmas doll because I wanted to see what made her eyes open and close. My Dad named the doll "Winkie" after that incident.
11. My third-grade teacher told my mom I would be a wonderful writer but would have to hire a secretary to spell for me. (praise the Lord for spell check!)
12. I met my husband in March, we were engaged in April and married in July of the same year, and we just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.
13. I once dreamed that I had quintuples, and my husband was giving them away like puppies. When I woke up, I was furious with him.
14. I'm very skittish. I jump and flinch during the movies at the scary parts. I jump when I think I’m going to die while Dad is driving. He calls me his early warning detector.
15. I broke my left wrist three times in the first, second, and third grades. (I've never been very graceful or coordinated!)
16. I was a majorette in junior high school.
17. I played the tenor saxophone and was in the marching band as well as the orchestra. Our grandson Henry is a much better musician than I ever was.
18. I went to Europe on a travel/study tour the summer I graduated from high school.  My parents would have been appalled at how little we were supervised. 
19. I dated a guy named "Bobby McGee" the same summer Janice Joplin came out with the song "Me and Bobby McGee!"
20. I am horrible at giving directions because I don't know my left from my right much less where I am at any given time.  Praise the Lord for GPS directions.
21. I'm not very adventurous on my own. I hate to do anything by myself.
22. I love to be around intelligent people. I love Nerds and married mine.
23. I love pictures of my family and now I have a frame that rotates my favorite pictures.
24. I've always wanted to go to a Broadway Play...Andy took me to see “Mama Mia “(poor boy grew up hearing Abba songs!) and I got to meet our Rachel for the first time.
25. My favorite “us activity” is watching mysteries in our double recliners and holding hands and having Sweet Pea sleeping on the arm of the recliner.                       
26. I would love to take Dad on a train trip around Tennessee.                                         27. I was born in Pasadena, Texas (right outside of Houston).                                     28. I loved to roller skate as a child. My best birthday was when my parents rented out the skating rink and let me invite my entire class, scout troop, and Sunday School class to my party.                                                                                                                   29. I love to go out to lunch with girlfriends or with my daughters.                                   30. I miss my best friend Sue Martin (she moved to Atlanta.)

31. Boy Wonder can always make me laugh; we call him Prince Charming.
32. Granddaughter Emma (our first grandchild) is sweet, smart, and amazing.
33. I love Blue Bell Birthday Cake Ice cream in individual portions
34. I love to go to Barnes and Noble except I always spend too much money.
35. I wish I had more technical skills.
36. I love meeting my "Blog Friends". I've never been disappointed by one yet.
37. I love hats and look really good in them.
38. I'm a hugger (it's my cross in life and because I'm from the South.)
39. I have a crazy sense of humor and love to laugh.
40. I am very enthusiastic and excitable.
41. I love my little country home. We are country mice at heart.
42. Daisies are my favorite flower.
43. I rarely get angry.
44. I totally adore my family and miss them so much.
45. Fall is my favorite time of the year.
46. I don't like to drive especially in areas that I'm unfamiliar with (see #20).
47. My spirit animal is the sloth (guess why?)
48. I'm a soft touch when it comes to my kids.
49. I've been married to Mr. Wonderful for over 50 years now.
50. I love snow globes and kaleidoscopes.
51. I love having a dog. Sweet Pea loves to cuddle. 
52. I love silver jewelry and turquoise, 
53. I'm a bed snob. I love my bed and my pillow. 
54. I love my hubby in jeans and a flannel shirt.
55. I love puzzles and mysteries.
56. I love to hear from friends and love to have company.
57. My pet peeve is having someone come in on the last 5 minutes of a program and want to know the entire plot. 
58. My favorite room in my house is my office.
59. I love to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea on rainy days.
60. I wish my kids and grandkids lived closer.
61. I am crazy about things that are sweet and salty.
62. My favorite snack is Peanut butter and honey crackers.
63. I rarely cook anymore.
64. I love fountain pens.
65. My "love language" is TIME.
66. I enjoy planting flowers in the garden.
67. I love sappy movies that make me cry.
68. I love watching TV shows about people who are good at their craft (fashion designers, top shot, glass blowers, project runway, bakers, car designers, etc.) 
69. I adore gluten-free pizza and cookies.
70. I like to listen to books on tape while traveling.
71. I really hate to exercise. I do enjoy water aerobics but not in the winter. 
72. I love my computer.
73. I rarely get to go shopping (except for groceries!)
74. I love scented candles and fireplaces.
75. I love Christmas but don't decorate as much as I used to.
76. I enjoy watching the birds out of the window by my desk or out the kitchen window.  Dad keeps them fed.  Sweet Pea loves to chase them.
77. I love my newly tiered garden patches and look forward to planting wildflowers and of course Daisies.
78. I love to dig in the dirt and feel the sun.
79. I enjoy watching mysteries with Dad and holding his hand.
80. I also like to watch cooking shows and game shows.
81. I would love to go to Dollywood.
82. I enjoy Peach yogurt / also Strawberry and White Chocolate yogurt.
83. I love to go to Big Lots and thrift stores.
84. I like to make "to-do" lists and cross off the items.
85. I enjoy magazines.
86. I love craft fairs.
87. I like to make greeting cards for my friends and the people I write.
88. I am a cookie monster.
89. I adore weekly calls from Andy. 
90. I love soup and could eat it every day.
91. I like to travel and plan to do more of it.
92. I love fresh vegetables from the garden.
93. We eat very little beef.
94. I love salad and often eat it for lunch.
95. I need to organize my office and get rid of things I don't need or use.
96. Biscuits are my weakness.
97. We eat pizza at least once a week.
98. I wish we could see our Canadians more. We love our summer visits.
99. I love to spend the holidays with my family.
100. I love bunny slippers. Sweet Pea ate one of my slippers while we were on a Skype call with Auntie Anne and Uncle Ken.  Bad Dog, fortunately, my foot was not inside of the slipper when the bunny attack occurred.



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