Tuesday, February 06, 2024

No Cancer

Today was a stressful day for me.  I had an appointment to do a breast ultrasound because of a suspicious mammogram.  I've never had one before and I know so many women who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. My sparkle sister Becky went through a double mastectomy a year ago today.  Needless to say, I'm rather fond of both of my breasts so of course I was in full-on panic mode armed with a prayer and the wisdom that knowledge is power and that it would be alright even if it wasn't alright.

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The technician for the breast ultrasound questioned my reasoning for having an ultrasound versus a mammogram view.  She talked to the radiologist, and they decided I really just needed to have another mammogram.  Laurie, the tech, was wonderful and called mammography to see if they could work me in and they did.  Tracie is the nurse who normally has done my yearly mammograms for the last 8 years and knows me and my situation so I was really praying that she would be working and thank you, Jesus, she was.
   I have many brown spots and moles under my breast and occasionally I will break out in a rash under my breast from extra moisture.   I have put Destin (diaper rash ointment under my breast) during those times.  Apparently, it takes a long time to get rid of the residue and the ointment pigmentation worked its way into my skin.  So, no cancer, see you next year.
   I was so happy and relieved.  On the way out I saw an anxious woman sitting alone in the waiting room.  She stopped me and asked if I had just come from mammography and if so, what was the hold up. I confessed that I was the "Hold up" and told her what they had done for me and how relieved and grateful I was for their persistence and care.  She told me that she had a similar story and after sharing it with me I asked her if she minded if I prayed for her right there in the waiting room.  She agreed and I prayed out loud for her by name and that God would give her His peace and be with her throughout this experience.  She thanked me and I went out to call Charlie to come pick me up.
   While waiting outside the hospital entrance, another woman came walking up.  I told her I was the unofficial greeter.  We exchanged pleasantries and again I hear a similar story to what I had just experienced.  I asked her for permission to pray for her also right then and right there. She told me her first name and I prayed out loud for her also.  By then Charlie had pulled up so I felt really good about being able to pray for these ladies and I still pray for them as God brings them to my mind.


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