Monday, January 29, 2024

Seasonal Affect Disease (SAD) makes me sad.

It has been a really rough month for me and continues to be rough.  I don't do winter well and I find my ambitious projects to be overwhelming and more than I can handle.  I don't like this attitude but don't seem to be able to shake it. 
 Praise the Lord for friends who love me and keep me encouraged. They are my cheerleaders and butt-kickers. I need both right now. 

   It is very humbling for me because being a cheerleader and a prayer warrior is usually my role.  I don't like all the negative feelings and thoughts that are racing through my head and this overwhelming feeling of despair and disappointment. Lord, give me strength.

I give it over to the Lord, and then take it back again. I miss playing in my garden and digging in the grounds me! Poor pun!  I have been setting a timer for 30 minutes and working fast and hard to see how much I can get done in that time without being overwhelmed and quitting.

It helped, I could see progress and some of my office floors.   Only 50 days till spring! 

I just got a sweet card from my friend Mary Ellen, it says, "I'm glad for our friendship! Impossible to count the times we've prayed for each other, wished for the best, laughed, and listened. Grateful for you just being you! Love Mary Ellen

I'm also so thankful for my older twin sister, Karen.  She keeps me grounded and is my best friend and cheerleader.  She has gone through so many things that I am currently facing so knows how to navigate through the hurdles and potential problems that I'm facing.  God is good even when I am not.

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