Saturday, January 27, 2024

That's what friends are for

I am very thankful for the 4 wonderful women who have included me in their prayer group.  We meet once a month (except in December) for lunch and for prayer time together. 

Becky Swain had all of us over at her home for our first meeting.  Good food, good fellowship, and great prayers.

I had the next meeting in our small house.  We had gluten-free pizza, salad, and tea. The best part is getting to know these ladies more and being able to share our hearts and concerns for our family and friends.  

We just had our last meeting at Connie DeLong's house, and it was a sweet time of fellowship and wonderful food.  Wow, can that woman cook!  She made a delicious soup and tasty scones as well as a beautiful salad and an amazing dessert. 

 I don't do winter well and am a total basket case right now.  I am super hyper-emotional.   I did share the good news that my CT of my kidney is looking good, with no growth, and I don't have to worry about it for the next 3 months till April 19th. 

 I am having to redo my mammogram which concerns me and if I really think about it and am highly distressed.  I have asked my doctor to reorder the test soon as my imagination really gets me in an emotional overload.  Reading the results of my mammography distressed me and sharing it with my friend Becky Swain, who has been down that road herself with a double mastectomy definitely has caused me great alarm.  I know God is in control and this is an emotional reaction.

This made me laugh, "A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well."    That so isn't me.  I do appreciate these exceptional women in my life and knowing that pray for me makes the load lighter. 

Only 54 more days till spring.  


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