Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Ten Things I Should Be Doing instead of Playing on the Computer 

 1. Get dressed.... yep, I'm still in my PJs and slippers.
 2. Fix lunch... I'm getting hungry so I need to fix lunch.
 3. Stick some laundry in the washing machine-that way something will be working since I'm not!
 4. Clean out the guest room. I just walked in, got overwhelmed, and walked out again
 5. Go through one drawer in my desk. I'd do more but then I might lose my title as a lazy daisy.
 6. Write our newsletter.... but that would involve getting my brain in gear.
 7. Come up with some ideas for Mr. Wonderful's upcoming 60th birthday.... any ideas?
 8. Email my kids-(Hello kids, I'm thinking about you, just in case you are actually reading this!) 
 9. Catch up on my Diva blogs.....I'm way behind, sorry Emma and Oscar! 
 10. Read one of several books next to my chair- always a strong draw!

  Daisy Dilemma: Which ones do you actually think I'll do?


Baba said...

Well... girlfriend you must have the day off today .. lounging in your slippers and PJ's!! I think you will email your grands first..our granddaughter Olivia celebrates her 2nd birthday today , along with our 42nd Anniversary...we are going to eat dinner at the 1790 Inn..Fred loves their steak and I love the baked fish..love all of our memories together..hugs, Baba

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Hope you can accomplish a few things on your list. ;)

I should be working, and yet I blog! *LOL*

Carole Burant said...

I bet you're still sitting there at your computer, aren't you!!!!! hehe I spend wayyyy too much time on here as well when I should be doing something else. But, oh well, it's just so much more fun than doing anything else:-) xoxo

Melli said...

Well, if it were ME, getting dressed would be the first to get voted down! Why bother? You'll just have to UNDO it at bedtime and then do it again tomorrow! Save a few steps! (by the way... I was still SLEEPING at 10:06 this morning ... the time THIS posted.) OY! I think you MIGHT have read the book! And perhaps did a load of laundry...

MORE snow tomorrow... grrr... and then again this weekend!?! What is UP this winter? This is more snow than we've had in 10 winters!

2cats said...

Forget getting dressed. I mean why bother?
Lunch could be cookies or crackers so that is easy.
Laundry could wait. Especially since you aren't going to get dressed.
Read a book. That is my vote. Read a book or maybe two.

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