Monday, December 01, 2008

Ten on Tuesday....10 ways to Save Money

10 Ways to Save Money

1. Get your books from the library. I love books and read every day. While I buy some of the books I read, most come from the library. Simply put, it’s hard to beat free.

2. Get healthy. Your health will directly impact the cost of life insurance and, in some cases, can reduce the cost of your health insurance.

3. Make a budget and stick to it. Make sure you include all the major categories. Don't put too many items in the Miscellaneous category.

4. Don’t go to the grocery store more than once a week. You always spend more than you need there. When you do go, make a list and *stick to it*. True, this is not always painless. But the extra money in your account is worth it.

5. Visit the thrift shops frequently. (Goodwill, hospital auxiliary, etc.). It’s amazing the wide variety of good useful items, many of them near new or brand new, for just a couple dollars

6. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFLs) bulbs. These bulbs use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer. They do take some getting used to, and they won’t work in every light fixture. But use them where it makes sense and save energy and money.

7. Agree to limit gift giving. At Christmas our extended family go overboard when it comes to gift giving. Agree in advance to limit the gifts and save everybody some money.

8. Only wash with cold water. The detergent does the cleaning, not the temperature of the water. If you have heavily soiled items, just soak them in detergent BEFORE washing.

9. Shop at home before you go: Before you write your grocery list, dive into the freezer, pantry or wherever you hide the things you bring home from the grocery or drugstore. It’s surprising how many of us duplicate purchases without realizing it, and there is some satisfaction to be had from actually using up those frozen or canned goods befor buying more.

10. Eat fewer meals out. Brown bag your lunch and plan menus for your evening meal. I cook on the weekends and freeze food in individual portions.


Baba said...

Good morning Daisy, I already do some of these things on your list..I check out books from the library and only buy a few... we use the bulbs in our lamps that use less energy.. and for Christmas this year,we are cutting back!! Our grown kids told us to spend less on them for Christmas...Our being together is the best gift for me.!!!
Hugs, Baba

Melli said...

I got back on my bike today! PRAY FOR ME!!! I need to get back on it again tomorrow ... and tomorrow ... and tomorrow... and tomorrow...

Jane said...

Very good advice indeed! Thank you so much!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey there Kathy...thanks so much for calling me today!! I always appreciate your calls and your prayers. Saving money...oh well..great ideas but you know money just never stays anyplace too

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