Sunday, November 30, 2008

.Being Thankful

We're Back. Yes, just like many American families we went over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house. (Except in our case it was more like over the mountain and through the Hampton Roads Tunnel which isn't nearly as lyrical!) Mr. Wonderful and I left Wednesday afternoon before traffic got too heavy. We were able to spend several days with my mom and help her. Mom has macular degeneration and was dreading writing her Christmas cards. We were able to print her Christmas letter including family pictures and print out mailing labels to put on her cards. She was very happy and relieved to still be able to keep in touch with her friends. We also helped rake and bag leaves in her yard. Mom had already exhausted herself raking and bagging most of the leaves. Mr. Wonderful was able to get most of them up with the lawnmower. There are still more leaves yet to fall but we at least made a small dent and hopefully, she won't wear herself out doing yard work.

We also played Parcheesi
while we were there. I learned to play this game as a child and we always played whenever we would go and visit my grandmother (my mom's mom). Grandmother was the best Parcheesi player I ever knew and I think my mom has taken over her title. (Maybe it gets past down to the oldest female in the family....who knows?) We would roll the dice to see who went first and then we would roll the dice to see who got to play partners with grandmother. Whoever won Grandmother....always won the game! Mom never has to count out the board. She can roll any number and get to the right space without having to count each space she passes. She has a knack for being able to roll just the right number to send your player home, to get out, or move up the ladder. She does have a little trouble now seeing the dots on the dice but no trouble knowing her options. I never have the option of letting her win.....I'm always trying not to be humiliated or so exasperated that "I accidentally knock the whole board over." Sorry! We went to Sunday School and church with her today and headed back after lunch. I am thankful that she is in good health, has supportive church friends, and is very independent. (Sometimes too independent!) We were able to get her a cordless amplified phone that seems to be helping her hear much better. She called this evening and said, "Can you hear me alright?" I had to laugh, as me being able to hear her was never the problem! Mom turns 82 this January. I think she is quite remarkable!


mompoet said...

It sounds like you had a lovely weekend, Daisy, making sure that your mom's nest is snug and cozy for winter with some urgent tasks addressed. Parcheesi sounds like a wonderful activity for you to do together, and I'm glad that you were able to attend church together Sunday before you and Mr. Wonderful drove home. Your mom sounds like a remarkable woman.

Jane said...

What a blessing to be able to spend your Thanksgiving at your mom's. I know you all enjoyed it.
I LOVE parcheesi. I played it all the time when I was a kid.
Glad you are home safe and sound.

Jennifer said...

You know I had to smile at the "Can you hear me all right?"
I love you, dear friend! :)

Carole Burant said...

Bless your mom, she sounds just wonderful:-) I'm so glad you were able to go spend some time with her and it's no doubt she truly appreciated the help with the Christmas cards, as well as the yard. Parchessi is one game I've never learned to play but it does sound like a lot of fun:-)So glad you're back home safe and sound. xoxo

Melli said...

Oh my gosh! Your mom & grandmother sound just like my sister and I -- we are ruthless parcheesi players! I would LOVE to play against your mom! I concede she probably WOULD win... I learned to tone down my ruthlessness when I was raising the kids and playing with them! I'm outta practice being ruthless! But I BET I could get back into it real quick! LOL!

Susan said...

What sweet sweet memories you made. I haven't played that game in years. We played an awesome game of pictionary the other night with my grandmother. So fun.

:-) Susan

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