Saturday, November 15, 2008

Weekend Wrap up!

Lots of activity at the Daisy Patch this weekend. Most of it on the domestic front. Lots of laundry, cleaning, vacuuming up cat hair (I think we got enough hair to make up another cat!) cleaning out the gutters filled with leaves as well as cooking up some dishes for the rest of the week.

We hosted a small youth group this afternoon. They helped up move computer monitors from downstairs. We were able to fill up 10 Gaylords (approximately 90- 100 monitors. Needless to say Mr. Wonderful was a tired boy and I think all the kids in the youth group will sleep really well tonight.

Absent-Minded adj.

Deep in thought and heedless of present circumstances or activities; preoccupied. That pretty well describes me the last couple of days. I've always been a list maker but now I've misplaced my list....I may well have to go to yellow sticky notes. I call my lists "my portable brains!"

Most of the leaves have dropped now. It seems like some trees lost all their leaves in one day. It's looking more and more like winter will be coming our way soon. I love the crunch of the leaves underfoot. In some ways I've never grown up when it comes to fall leaves.

We got Mr. Wonderful's safety steel toed shoes just in the nick of time. Friday he was building something and dropped a hammer on his foot.....fortunately it just bounced off without injury. God is Good! He limps a little but the toe is looking better all the time.

I'm looking over some quick and easy recipes for thanksgiving. I found some good ones on the food network that work well with a turkey breast. I may have to experiment this week. We are planning on going to my mom's house for Thanksgiving weekend.

Look at this cool atomic projection clock I got from my sister for my birthday . These are some of it's features:
Projects time on ceiling or wall with red LED
Automatically adjusted to split-second accuracy, based on a daily signal from government transmitter
LCD display shows time, day, date, month and indoor temperature (Fdeg or Cdeg )
Clock also has light, snooze alarm, AM/PM display, perpetual calendar and 12-hour/24-hour time display.

Guess who has a birthday this week? If you said ME....score 5 points and I will be expecting a birthday greeting from you on Wednesday. If you can't send a card or a greeting at least send cake! This girl does love birthday cake.

Hope your weekend was wonderful.


Melli said...

Whoooooo HOOOOO! So you're gonna be 35 this week! Maaaannnnnn I wish I was gonna be there to help ya celebrate! 35 is a very special year!!!

Jane said...

Yep, I already know about your birthday!!!! Be watching your inbox girlfriend.
Have a wonderful week. Love ya lots.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Well like Jane..i knew it was your birthday this week with Susan's too. I have not purchased a card yet but if you come here we can do the Wii Fit together!! Smile!!
No I will get a card out to you...hopefully before you birthday!! I hope you are going to enjoy being young once again...

YellowRose said...

You should be getting my card any day, be watching your mailbox!

PS: you aren't the only one with a birthday, today's mine! ;)

Jennifer said...


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