Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Square Foot Gardening 2010

We really loved having an extra day off this past weekend. We finally felt like we got a chance to get some "make up" work finished. We were able to put netting on our strawberry patch so we have actually had about 4 pickings of strawberries this year. We usually have to race with the birds and they seem to win. Our berries are filling in and are close to the house so they are easy to harvest.

We started square foot gardening last year and decided that the plants did not get enough sun . Mr. Wonderful moved the boxes to the sunny back yard so that won't be a problem this year. This box is our tomatoes and peppers.

This box is our 3 rhubarb plants. The one with the huge leaf is a volunteer from last year that I transplanted to it's own space. We are hoping to be able to have strawberry rhubarb pies and jellies in the future so we are hopeful that it will take off in its new home.

These two little plants are the beginning of our crooked neck squash crop. (My mom still likes to tell people how I was the only kid in the third grade who wrote an essay on Squash being their favorite vegetable!) It still is my favorite vegetable so Mr. Wonderful is researching a moth trap for the vine bore that usually snack on the plants stem.

These anxious plants that are already putting on blossoms are zucchini plants. I read that there is a special holiday in July called "put a bag of zucchini on your neighbor's porch during the night" holiday. We'll see if we can participate in that celebration this coming year.

This is Mr. Wonderfuls watering system. The plants get more sun now but watering is a problem so this is our solution. We catch rain water and take it out to the garden on this trailer. So far so good...we will see how it works out for us.

We planted some geraniums for the front porch. I love the red ones and they also attract hummingbirds.

I planted flowers in this old mop bucket. We live in the country so it "fit in" well and is a colorful addition to the porch.

So much for my gardening attempts.

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Melli said...

BRAVO! I have about a 5" zucchini squash on ONE of my plants today... yesterday it was only a 4" zucchini! I am EXCITED! My tomatoes are giving me more flowers than fruit, so I pruned them... in hopes. My crookneck squash had blossom end rot, but with new organic fertilizer they seem to be doing better. And my cantaloupes have a zillion flowers that I will probably have to pluck down to 3 in order to get ONE nice fruit! LOL! Gardening really IS for the birds you know!

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