Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The "Other Man" in my life

  I got a phone call the other day from the "other man" in my life. He is totally irresistible with beautiful deep blue piercing eyes and a smile that makes me weak in the knees.

  Unlike Mr. Wonderful, this guy really likes to talk to me! He finds me delightful, funny, clever, and witty, and never wants me to hang up. He likes the sound of my voice and laughs at all my jokes and silly songs.
   He anticipates my calls and hopes it is me whenever the phone rings. He is always reluctant to hang up and even has to be bribed to let anyone else talk to me.
 The other man in my life thinks that I'm the best thing since graham crackers, and when I'm with him I know I am. He loves me with his whole heart and has smiles just for me. I know I am spoiled by his attention, hugs, kisses and smiles. Every Diva needs her very own champion and mine is 3 feet tall and answers to the name of Oz.

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Unknown said...

Aww... That was so SWEET! And it's all true. He always says "Deepa!" whenever the phone rings... even before he says "Daddy."

Melli said...

I think that OTHER man in your life is one of the SWEETEST reasons to live! You have been well blessed Deepa!

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