Saturday, January 13, 2024

New Year New Goals, or are they ?

New Year, New Goals?  

I do a restart every year when it comes to making plans, goals, and aspirations.  I note them in this blog so I can refer back to them at the end of the year.  I don't call them resolutions as I never keep them.  I call them suggestions and encouragements.

I need to do a weekly check-in with myself to see if there has been any progress, slow progress, or you've got to be kidding me!!

These are my January Goals.  They will most probably change every month, but I need accountability and grace (especially when it comes to discipline, exercising, and dieting. 

1.  Join Planet Fitness.  We checked into joining and found out that our insurance would pay for it so we wouldn't have a monthly fee.  It is here in Elizabethton (about 10 minutes away from the house and easier to access than the senior center in Johnson City). However, I am having swelling and pain in my left knee from arthritis and have decided that water aerobics would be easier and kinder to the joint than walking on a treadmill or working on exercise equipment.   

Water aerobics meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Senior Center.  Charlie's busiest day is Monday as he meets with the Romeo's at 8 am, (Retired Old Men Eating Out).   Later that same day he does Mentoring at South Side Elementary.  I told him I would be content to go on Wednesdays and Friday mornings.  He will probably work out in the weight room during that time. 

2.   Read my Bible and have devotions every morning before looking at my phone.   This one is in progress.  My office is still a disaster from the leftover Christmas decorations, books, and projects that got shoved into a corner while I completed my Advent Ribbons.  This year I only made them for the family and barely completed them before Christmas.  I need a total declutter and get rid of stuff that I no longer need or use. I have moved my devotional materials back to my office other than the kitchen table (some progress!)  

3.  Blog every day.   I need discipline and I am about to finish up my commitment to Storyworth stories every week.  I am my longest commitment and I need the discipline and need to widen my activities and get out and live. Each day tends to fold into the next one and some days I don't get anything accomplished.  Writing every day will make me start looking for interesting subjects and topics.

4.  Get serious about losing weight. I need to lose weight (every pound decreases the impact on your joint by 4 pounds!) This is a lifelong struggle and I have had very little success.  I need to find a plan and stick to it. 

5.  Plan a weekly adventure.  We are doing weekly visitation with the church on Tuesday mornings which I love but I am getting to be a recluse. Charlie will indulge me, but I have to come up with the activity.  It will be harder during the winter cold months but maybe if I add a trip to a coffee house, he will be on board.
6.  Invite people over for a meal.  This one may have to wait because of increased colds, and flu going around.  We had two nice meals with Suzy, Tim, and the boys because of celebrating birthdays with Charlie and Henry.  

7, Start communications back up with my widows and people who are sick or grieving.  My office is still trashed so need to make this a top priority before I can start communications back up.

8. Get out a quarterly prayer letter.  Coming up soon.

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