Monday, September 18, 2023

My Garden is becoming a Reality

Charlie and I just celebrated our 50th anniversary and he asked me what I wanted to do to celebrate this rare occasion. He suggested a cruise or major trip to commemorate this accomplishment. I told him what I really wanted was to landscape our backyard into the sanctuary I always wanted. I love my house, my bed, and my community and would love to enjoy our backyard as our private location to entertain or just rejuvenate our souls. We talked to 2 landscapers and got a bid from one that was for 15 thousand dollars. Talk about sticker shock! Our next-door neighbor Jacob wants to start a landscaping and lawn service so told us he could do what we wanted for a third of the price. What an answer to prayer. He started 3 days ago and is almost finished. I am so excited to be able to plant wildflowers in our backyard and flowers that will attract butterflies and bees.


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