Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Packing the house

We knew it was coming and we have been slowly going through the attic and getting rid of items we don't need, want or will fit in the new house.  I really think the picture on the left would be the easier way to move.  Just pick up the entire house and put it where you want.  We have just about a month to get everything packed and moved to Elizabethton, Tennessee.  

We forgot how hot our attic can become in the summer heat so we look forward to rainy days or working upstairs in the early morning or later in the evening.

If I were smart I would just pack up everything in the attic and get rid of all of it...after all it has just been sitting up there for the last 13 years so obviously I really don't need it ,or use it.  But oh no...what if there is some hidden treasure up there that I will never forgive myself for losing!  The last time we moved I took way to many items that I just couldn't part with.  I am so over that now!!

We have already packed up several item that take up room but I don't use all that often (like my china, decorative household items and extra linen).  I am loving having more space and less clutter. 

Pray that we can keep up the momentum and the desire to downsize.  I don't really want to be held captive by our possessions.  We moved here 13 years ago in a 26 foot truck...I would love to leave in a smaller one.  I am not a hoarder but I am a junkie.

I am trying hard to be ruthless about holding on to items that have sentimental value by taking a picture of them and letting them go.  

I am trying to make a game of far I'm having a hard time just keeping my self motivated much less finding friends to volunteer to pack.  Oh well, this is just part of a new adventure.
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Unknown said...

Good luck with downsizing Daisy. I am struggling with downsizing, seems like 2 steps forward and 1 step back.

Unknown said...

I downsized and learned that I could do it!! Taking a picture of the item is really a great idea!! Remember it is only stuff. Only!!! Now I have started over again at 71!! Never thought I would. Have fun with it!! I am so happy for u!!

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