Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Treasure Hunt.....

Some hidden treasures I've discovered recently...I've been trying to look for hidden treasures throughout my day. Some days the treasure is really hidden and other days it seems to be everywhere.

Yesterday: Watching some cardinals at our bird feeder. It was such a gray day that their bright red feathers were a beautiful contrast and made me smile.

Sunday: The treasure of reconnecting with old friends for a movie and chatting over coffee afterwards. Our life gets so busy at times that it is easy to forget that we need the laughter and love of friends that have been with us through good times and bad.

Saturday: Working with ladies from the Junior League! There were 6 of them and they did 45 boxes of summer clothing for Haiti in just 3 hours.

Friday: The joy of staying home in my warm nest, in my pj's and slippers and lost in a good book. A day off is always a special gift!

Thursday: The treasure of food, water, and shelter. We have been working on relief supplies for Haiti and it reminds me to be thankful for what I have.

Daisy Dilemma: Are you finding hidden treasures around you? Are you looking for them?


Melli said...

YOU are my hidden treasure! And I love it when you come out of hiding! :)

Jane said...

You remind me I have much for which to be thankful. For one thing...I am very thankful to call you my friend!

Bonnie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Your blog looks great and I can't wait to read more!

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