Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hail to the Queen Mother

Monday was my mother's 83rd birthday so we all made the pilgrimage back home.

It was nice to spend time with my sisters. Mom's real gift was having all her girls home at the same time.

Sister Bev, tackled closets and drawers. New shelf lining was put down and several things were discarded (including beach towels that are over 30 years old and thread bare!) She also took on trimming the holly bush outside and doing a thorough cleaning of the kitchen.

My sisters are much more organized than I am and consequently have greater influence on mom. Sister Bobbie, decided that mom needed new place mats and napkins so bought mom a new set and tactfully suggested that she might want to retire the other set. Mom would have none of that and tactfully suggested Bobbie take the new ones home with her! (As you can see, we don't lack for spirit at our house!)

Several of Mom's Birthday surprises turned out to be too much of a change for the poor dear and it took her quite a while and many tears to work through it. Kudos to sister Bev , who was able to calm the situation down and worked tirelessly to resolve the "surprise" upgrade to Mom's Web TV ( despite the network being down for 72 hours!)

Sister, Bobbie, bought mom a fireplace insert that is electric.
It has both logs and flames and can be controlled by remote control. It will also blow out heat if you want it. It is similar to an electric heater. It makes the room very warm and toasty as well as very inviting visually.

My contribution was bringing Mr. Wonderful with me to install everything and fix minor household problems. (Hey, we all have our gifts!)

Mom's email situation is still not settled which is a problem since she really likes getting pictures and notes from her friends and family.

Happy Birthday Mom......may God bless you with many more healthy, productive years.


Amber Star said...

What a wonderful gift to have all her girls home with her. That is always the best. Mine came on my birthday and it was fun.

Making changes in someone's lifestyle is iffy...and you know that...and that is why you brought Mr. Wonderful with you. I know I'd want to give my grandmother things that would bring her into the 70s or 80s and she really didn't like it that much.

You have really lost the weight, Missy! You are looking mighty fine.

becky said...

That's not a smile on Beverly's face, is it?! Good picture of the Watson grrrls.

Baba said...

Good evening my friend,I know your Mom was happy to spend her birthday with her daughters..wishing her a late "Happy Birthday"..

My Mom does not like changes to upgrade things in her life ... she refuses to own a cell phone, an answering machine,a washer or dryer..
She does things her way !!!

Take care ..I love the picture of you;your mom and sisters..
Love and hugs, Baba

Jane said...

That's awesome Miss Daisy! Your mom sounds about as stubborn as my MIL!!! Sounds like you did a lot of wonderful things for her and I am sure she appreciated all your efforts.
Love ya!!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

I am sure her birthday was perfect! You girls made it that way. :)

Melli said...

Oh dear... sometimes Mom's DO have a hard time with change! I'm sure I would probably have agreed with sister Bobbie about the placemats and napkins! I probably would have retired the old ones myself before giving her the new ones -- so Sister Bobbie really IS more tactful than I! LOL! The fireplace insert sounds heavenly! I'm sure she will really enjoy that! I hope the email situation gets fixed soon - I'm sure she's missing that. Glad you got to go and have a good visit - that is a great picture of all you ladies -- and you are mellllllting! How can you MELT in this weather???

Miss you MORE than cornbread with my chili!

I think I'm driving cross country next summer! Want to come? Maybe for a portion?

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