Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Memories.....fond memories

Yesterday was Father's Day. It was a time to honor Fathers. Mr. Wonderful celebrated by puttering in his basement (often referred to as the Man Cave).

My man tends to need "cave time". There is always a big demand for his time so time to "tinker", putter, or just unwind" is a real luxury.
When he does relax he feels guilty since there is something pressing that he could, should, or have already done.

After church, I made him a steak dinner with fresh vegetables and corn on the cob. He also had the luxury of reading an entire book without interruptions (good thing he is a fast reader!) I even made him dessert!

Thinking about Fathers made me start missing mine.

Several days ago we had a new volunteer ( a 17-year-old girl that is very quiet) she was working on scraping off loose paint from the window sills before we could caulk, sand, and paint them. Our Suzy always plays questions and answers whenever we are on a road trip so I started asking everyone questions trying to draw her out and learn a little more about her.

The question asked was, "What is one of your first memories of the church?"

Various answers followed, VBS, church camp, a wedding, stain glass windows in the sanctuary.

I was transported back to my childhood and the one memory that stood out in my mind was sitting next to my dad in the church service. I was a wiggler and a giggler so was assigned to sit next to my dad so he could give me "the eye" when I got too antsy. I was intrigued by my Dad's big hand compared to mine. I would study it and play with his hand. Occasionally we would play a game where he would suddenly grab my fingers and my job was to keep him from entrapping them in his grasp.

This normally would keep me entertained and quiet for at least 20 minutes till I would suddenly break into gales of laughter causing my mom to give both of us "the look" that instantly brought both of us to attention and make my Dad suddenly stop playing and start looking stern. We both knew it was to satisfy my mom because there was always a twinkle in those merry blue eyes.

I miss my Father's Hands. He was a good hugger, tickler, coach, adviser, and the first man in my life. I miss his "Dutch Uncle" talks where he would tell me what he was thinking and why without trying to spare my feelings.

Our son was named after my Dad and I see many characteristics in him that were in my dad.

I am so blessed by the men in my life. They are all wonderful husbands and fathers or (husband and potential dad in training). May each of you be a special memory in the life of your child.


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Yes, we found out that all is just fine with Mother. She has her problems from the back surgery that she had about 8 years ago. it caused her left leg to go numb and to lose her reflex in her left knee too. he told her no losing her leg so we are so happy. She needs to walk more and be more active.
Hope all is well there. We are fine. Just hot really fast this summer. The crepe myrtles are so beautiful right now.
I see Mr. Wonderful had a great father's day. We sure did..Sandy

Melli said...

Sounds like Charlie had a great Charlie Day! Dennis probably would have RATHER had that kind of day... no such luck for him... we have kids who insist on celebratong him!

You're so blessed to have those great memories with your dad!

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