Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ten on Tuesday....10 Least Liked Foods

10 Least Liked Foods

As much as I like food you would think that this category would be hard for me.... but it wasn't! I'm the kind of girl who doesn't do moderation. I either love it or hate it and not much in between. So, here's my countdown on least liked foods. (I'm sure there are lots of exotic foods that I've not tried and would probably dislike so I'm sure my list will change.)

10. Beets....not my favorite unless they make them into sugar. I don't like beets and like them even less when they are pickled.

9. Hard Boiled Eggs...I blame my mother for this one. She used to boil eggs and we would dye them for Easter. That was fun! Eating them wasn't. I will eat hard-boiled eggs in tuna or chicken salad but never alone. I also do not like egg salad or deviled eggs.

8. Turnips...I turn up my nose at turnips. My MIL used to boil turnips and potatoes together. What a surprise... you'd think you are eating a potato, and you bite into a tangy turnip! No thanks, I'll pass.

7. Brussel Sprouts....No offense to Belgium but I'd rather eat their chocolate or their waffles instead of their sprouts. I'm sure they are an acquired taste but not one that this girl has refined.

6. Lima Beans....totally not a fan. Don't like the taste or the texture!

5. Sushi...Never cared for raw fish of any kind.

4. Rye Bread....so not a fan! I love whole grains but not rye!

3. Octopus or squid.... too rubbery and slimy for my taste. I grew up in Texas so never had many fish.

2. Boiled Okra....again it's the slime factor. I don't like to put anything in my mouth that doesn't need to be chewed. Boiled okra just slides down your goozle. Roll it in cornbread and fry it up and I'm so there!

1. Liver and Onions....my number one choice for most disliked! The liver seems to be the one meat that gets bigger in my mouth the more I chew! Mr. Wonderful adores it so I'm always encouraging him to order it when we eat out because I won't fix it.


Rachel said...

Good list!

Some of the foods you listed are on my faves. Boiled eggs and sushi are some of my favorite foods.

But im totally with you on the liver and onions and pickled beets. Ick.

Katrine said...

I was having a hard time with my list. I should have just copied yours, because I hate everything on your list as well!

Melli said...

Oh NO! I LOVE beets, and hard boiled eggs, and brussel sprouts, and lima beans, and rye bread! But I HATE the other 50% of your choices!
I made Dennis liver and onions just a couple of weeks ago... Mom likes it too. Ugh!

Kim said...

Great list! I forgot about beets. If I had remembered that one I would have finished my list. Could only come up with 9.

Thank you for visiting mine.

Teena in Toronto said...

Liver's on my list too!

I played too :)

~*Kaila*~ said...

I love the little pictures next to all or your entries and I have to say that I hate liver as well. Just the smell . . . ugh!


Unknown said...

I'm 80% with you.

Anonymous said...

We must be sisters!! I say "AMEN" to all of the list!! Adding snails, oysters, mussels and clams----SLIME factor!!


Jane said...

OK, I'm with you on liver and onions, rye bread, sushi and octopus but I like the rest of your list. Even squid...I love fried calamari!!! But, don't worry, we are STILL sisters!!!

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