Monday, April 06, 2009

Looking for Spring at Walmart....

Yes, I have been missing in action but I'm back now and as you can see, I went looking for spring. I found it at Walmart!

Mr. Wonderful and I just got back from Savannah with all the blooming azaleas, dogwoods, and pear trees. Our grass had grown, and we had a few grape hyacinths in bloom with a few hold-over daffodils but for the most part.... spring is still on hold in Virginia.  I was delightfully surprised to find tulips in all colors and shades while stocking up on groceries.

We had a fabulous time in Savannah and Floozie is doing amazingly well with physical therapy. She is conquering the stairs, and it is difficult to keep the girl down so she can recover. She did join us for lunch with a dear friend of ours at the Olive Garden (always a "must have " since our closest one is about 100 miles away!)

We were able to connect with many friends and I shook so many hands I could have been a politician. The best times were just talking with friends and catching up on their lives. I got to do all my favorite things and checked off everything on my "to-do" list.

I'm back at work today. I'll try to make the rounds this afternoon. I've got lots of catching up to do in the blogosphere too.


Amber Star said...

Welcome have been missed. Did something bad happen to Flip Flop Floozie? Oh dearm, she is in my prayers. I've heard about her from Melli for years.

It is sort of spring here...stuff has bloomed and we are starting to get storms and such, but there is a huge COLD FRONT tonight with a FREEZE warning. Oh man! I'm so glad I haven't planted much in the way of summer/warm loving plants!

srp said...

We finally have some spring over here at the beach.. at least until the severe storms went through today and the temp fell from 74 to 59. At least Palm Sunday was beautiful and bright and wonderful!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

You are looking good Miss Lazy Daisy! I can really see your weight lost in this picture. I know you were a big help to FF Floozie and she enjoyed having you there. It has decided to turn cool again here in SA, I wish it would decide what it wants to do and stick with it. Tulips don't bloom well down here in TX but I had some beautiful tulips and daffodils and grape hyth. and crocus' when we lived in Northern VA, I really miss those flowers but not the work it took to plant them :0) Welcome Home!

Melli said...

Welcome back to the Nest darlin'! You are as beautiful as those flowers! Hey! I recognize that jacket! :) I'm glad you and Sandy had such a great visit -- but don't do it again without ME! Shame on you!

Jane said...

Well hello there!!! I've missed you. I'm glad you had a good visit in Savannah. I waved back, did you see me???
Those flowers are beautiful. I just wish I could KEEP them looking good but I am death to live plants!!
Love ya friend!

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