Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Welcome to my inner sanctum

This is my mouse pad at work. It's little Miss Chatterbox....do you think it's appropriate? Let's just say anyone who sits at my desk knows immediately that this has to be where I sit.

What's on your mouse pad? Does it reflect who you are? I thought about doing a quiz that says, "What does your mouse pad say about you?"

Mine says I'm outrageous, I love to talk, love the color bright pink, and am a kid at heart.

This is my mouse pad at home in the daisy patch.
It's a daisy! What a surprise! You'll note the white keyboard and that I'm surrounded by pastels. This is my favorite room in my whole house. I have an extremely large built-in desk with built-in bookcases and a bulletin board wall.

This mouse pad says I have my girly moments, love simple things, and adore my family.

This is my bulletin board.  I'm surrounded by pictures of my family on one side and two windows on the other side. My desk has a great view of the bird feeder (which Mr. Wonderful refers to as Cat TV) and I have a huge lilac bush right under my window which smells divine in the spring.

This is Lucy Cat....she always shares my desk. She loves watching the birds at the feeder below. She loves to curl up in the sunshine and of course, when she wants attention, she is right in your face and between you and the keyboard or monitor.

This is part of my built-in bookcase over my bulletin board. I love being surrounded by things that have special meaning to me. My desk, bulletin board, and bookcases were made for me by our son-in-law Tim. He certainly knows my taste really well.

This is the other half of my desk (least you think I must be a neat nick) I love to refer to it as organized clutter. I know I really should tackle this mountain and it has been on my "To Do List" for a long time.

Gattina asked Monday .... (yes, I'm always behind) what kind of slippers or house shoes we wear. These are slippers that my daughter left at my house. I swiped them because they are easy to slip on and have a hard soles so I can run outside without changing my footwear. They are also very warm for cold winter mornings.

 What does your inner sanctum look like? Is it your laptop and your favorite chair? Is it your bedroom, your desk, or the kitchen table? Leave me a comment and let me know.


ChrisB said...

I've dropped in to see what you wear on your feet. I can see you opt for the easy slipper just like me.

Melli said...

MY inner sanctum is "inside my head" - and we all know - you'd just have to BE there! I'm always comfortable in YOUR inner sanctum too though...

Amber Star said...

Inner sanctum or office? hmmm...my office is a repurposed bedroom that is pretty scary most of the time. It becomes a catchall most of the time. It is nice when it is all cleaned, but somehow or other it is the last room in the house to get sorted.

craziequeen said...

My inner sanctum is my chair in the corner of the lounge and my laptop - both of which I often share with William Cat.

My slippers are slip on fluffy feet - currently blue :-)


Carole Burant said...

Hello dear Daisy:-)

I'm finally back to the land of blogging! With Steve here for a few days, I didn't have a chance to visit any blogging friends so blame him!! lol

Love your mouse pad at work! lol Mine has Tinkerbell on it....does that surprise you? hehe I so enjoyed seeing glimpses of where you sit at your computer, looks to be a wonderful spot. Last week I showed my favourite sanctuary, my computer/faerie room:-)

I don't like wearing slippers so I'm always barefoot in the house, not even any socks! lol The only time I put socks on is in the winter time if I have to go out. My mom says I must have some native blood in me, I always prefer to be barefoot! hehe xoxo

Dr.John said...

My mouse pad has a picture of my grandchildren on it.
My computer room is also my guest room and my exercise room.

Jane said...

Well, I don't have a mousepad because I use a laptop but I will have to give some thought to sharing "my space" with everyone!!!

Baba said...

Hi favorite place to be is in my bedroom.. my computer is setup in one corner of the room.I can look out over the marsh and it is very calming..I need a new desk and a bulletin board..you are so loved by Tim and he did a great job making your space a relaxing place to be ..
I am great after laser eye surgery today...getting my eyes ready for cataract surgery ..
Love ya, Baba

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

How cool..course I have seen it all in person!! Smile..You know you always say that we are from the same tribe and you know I have the same things above my computer just like you..I like seeing my family around me too...IF only in pictures...

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