Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday 13....Food Resolutions from Me and Dr. Oz

13 Diets Tips from Me and Dr. Oz

January is the month when most people decided to make better choices in life. We will eat better, exercise more and get more sleep. We will spend our money wisely, take better care of our health and of course stop all our bad habits. Gym memberships go up and there is a line at Weight Watchers to get in the door. I found these "suggestions" in a magazine from Dr. Oz which actually sound doable so I thought I'd add to them and make it a Thursday Thirteen.

1. Use a smaller plate. The portion to the left is identical but the smaller plate makes your brain think it is getting more. Dr. Oz suggests using a smaller plate and not putting more than two items on it.

2. Enjoy anti-hunger snacks such as a handful of nuts 30 minutes before lunch or dinner. One ounce of nuts (7 walnuts) or (24 almonds) can help curb your hunger so you don't over eat.

3. Fight fat with fresh fruits and vegetables. They are loaded with fiber which makes you feel full and stays with you longer.

4. Eat Brown Carbs every day. Brown carbs are rich in fiber, and whole grains. They are healthier for you and stay in your system longer. Brown carbs are whole wheat flour, brown rice and oatmeal.

5. Walk. Get up and move. Dr. Oz suggests getting a pedometer and trying to get in 10,000 steps a day (about 5 miles). I get up and dance or run around the building or march in place at least every hour while I'm at work. It helps to keep me in a better mood and relieves stress or tension.

6. Stand tall. Improve your posture. Stand up and stretch frequently. Fully expand your lungs, breath deeply. Your posture improves your image, your self-esteem and your attitude. It's almost impossible to have a crummy mood when you stand tall.

7. Eat Yogurt. You absorb less fat when you eat a daily cup of yogurt. I personally love Yoplait Light (100 calories). It comes in 28 flavors . My personal favorites are Strawberry and White chocolate, and Peach.

8. Eat Guacamole. Who knew? According to Dr. Oz avocados are good fats that your body needs and it also makes your hair shiny. Watch out with the chips though, those calories add up quickly.

9. Take Fish Oil. It melts belly fat, fights depression, eases joint pain and protects your heart.

10. Better Stress Control. We all know that stress will kill you. It also leads to over eating , or emotional eating. Instead of reaching for a candy bar or bag of chips maybe it would be better if we asked ourselves.... "What's eating me?" Blogging, keeping a journal or just physical exercise will often be a creative outlet for stress.

11. Sleep your troubles away. Getting more sleep will actually help you lose weight. I tend to graze at night so going to bed earlier stops that tendency.

12. Don't buy Red flag foods. Red flag foods are items that you find irresistible and are tempted to over eat. It's the out of sight, out of mind concept. If M&M's call out your name don't keep a bowl of them in reach. I

13. Slow Down when you eat. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to know that it is full. Instead of gulping down your food. Slow down and savor it. Enjoy the texture, taste and the eye appeal. Put your fork down in between bites. Enjoy the company at the table. This is the best thing that I learned.

Hope this helped. I've been fighting the battle of the bulge for a long time. We can do it.

Make Wise Choices.


Gattina said...

Eat Guacamole. That's surprising, and I love it ! I don't take fish oil but olive oil that's good too ! And now I am off to my yoga courses !

Anonymous said...

Oh..I've to take care of my posture too..been have terrible backache for the past 2 mths..

CountryDew said...

Try a Wii Fit to help with posture - I received one for Christmas and it has been amazing.

Those Red Flag foods can make life difficult. Sometimes I wish there was no such thing as chocolate!

Janet said...

These are all awesome ideas and as someone who is on a weight loss journey, I particularly enjoyed reading them!

Jane said...

Those are great suggestions! I didn't know the one about fish oil, I will have to try that.
Love ya my friend.

Lori said...

Great reminders. I can handle everything, except the one about eating Guacamole. Yeech!

Barbara said...

Lots of great ideas here! I love Dr. Oz.

Anonymous said...

You've got to love the good doctor!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

this is absolutely a very helpful tips! :)

Mia Celeste said...

I'm really into the fish oil.

kandyblossom said...

Great tips. I love guacamole!I think I'll make some tonight.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Great tips. I need to try and do them now.

janetfaye said...

I love Dr. Oz.

I heard that he is getting a new tv show in Feb.

YellowRose said...

Great tips! I am doing most of those, though I need to do the fish oil. Did I tell you I hired a personal trainer? She gave me most of the same tips....the avacado tip(guacamole) thrilled my soul! ;)

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

If I get the right combination of protein, carb, and fat I can be satisfied enough not to binge later. I also like to chew gum when I want something but am not really hungry.

happy TT!

Baba said...

I love all of these tips from you and Dr. Oz...I watch him on Oprah's show .. he is great..

One more hour , and I can wake up Fred to get ready for his surgery this morning..he is having a kidney stone removed that is too large for the sound wave machine to break it up..poor man.. he has been suffering for a few weeks..

Take care and will talk later.
Hugs, Baba

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