Monday, December 08, 2008

All Wrapped Up!

Tis the season to get all wrapped up! I'm busy wrapping up a storm with my annual Advent Calendars. Every year I say I'm not doing this next year....but every year I'm busy with bits of wrapping paper and small bows, string, hot glue and scotch tape. I've taken over the living room and threatened the cats if they try to help me again!

I have a new twist this year. I'm sending tea bags with my thought of the day on the wrapper and inviting my friends to stop and have a cup of tea with me at 4 pm (tea time if you are British). I dearly love my friends and can't think any thing I would rather do than sit down with a hot cuppa tea and visit. So don't be surprised if one of my favorite mugs with 13 tea bags in it arrives at your home with my invitation to sit down with me and share a cuppa tea at 4 p.m. every afternoon. Know you were thought of at that time and a quiet prayer was whispered for you.


Susan said...

I just found my precious little Nativity from you when I was decorating yesterday. I whispered a prayer of thanks for you and the blessing that you are to me...even though it's mostly through cyberspace.

Love you and hope that all is done soon. With two cats, I am REALLY learning about their "help" decorating this year!

:-) Susan

Melli said...

Oooooooh I LIKE that idea! I do tea! Yes, I do! ... and what's she mean ONLY cyberspace??? Cyber blessings are the BEST! Yes, they are! hehehe... *waves to Susan*

Jane said...

What a delightful idea. You are a dear friend. We may be miles apart but the tie that binds us knows no boundaries.
Have a blessed week.

Carole Burant said...

I baked all day and also went to get my tree...still need to decorate the tree and wrap the presents....yes, 'tis the season to be busy! lol

What a delightful idea with the mug and tea bags to share with friends!! I so wish I could meet all my blogging friends and share a cup of tea with them:-) xoxo

Melissa and Savannah said...

one of the most consistent christmas memories i have is of my mom hanging your advent calendar on the wall and opening each gift with attached quote every day. i used to always wonder how long it took you to make just one. i know so much time, thought, effort, and love went in to making those. i think it is probably one of the sweetest nicest things i have ever heard of a friend doing for another friend.

just wanted to let you know that we miss ya and that you are never far from our thoughts and memories!

melissa and savannah martin

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I can just sit down at 4 every day with a cuppa tea if that is what you will be doing..In fact, that sounds good now.
Our weather is gorgeous!! I am so not wanting to go into the COLD stuff that Illinois is going to be offering soon.
Hope you get yourself untied from all of your advent calendars. they are always so wonderful..Next time you come here remind me to give you stuff to make those with...

Linda said...

What a special gift! This is a great idea for friends.

MaR said...

Wonderful idea, Lazy Daisy!!!

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