Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to my sister Bobbie!

Letter to my sister on her birthday!

Dear Bobbie,

Happy Birthday to someone who has been with me all of my life. We shared a room together as kids, as well as secrets, threats, giggles, gossip, dreams and aspirations. As my big sister, you took on the thankless job of being my advocate with mom and dad, as well as a social director when it came to raising my coolness factor in junior high.

I learned early in life to run toward you even though I often found myself chasing after you. I was the pesky little sister that wanted to do everything you were doing and I thought I was every bit as big as you. You were my hero back then and although you didn't wear a cape or have an invisible plane like Wonder Woman , you still rescued me from near disasters that would have destroyed me ( or at the very least been really embarrassing!).

Our lives have taken different paths, but I still know that you are always there to advise, fix, alter, or cheer me on. I know I can count on you for prayer support or life experiences. You always make me laugh and have taught me that my problems are really only inconveniences.

I've grown used to you always being there. So here's to you living forever.....cause I don't think I could do life without you.

Your Sister,



SandyCarlson said...

How nice to have a sister like that! God bless you both.

Jane said...

What a precious tribute to your sister. I am sure she appreciates it. You are right, you were quite the cutie......and you look SO innocent too....whatever happened to that sweet thing???? (Just kidding!)

mompoet said...

What a treasure your sister is to you - and you to her. And such cuties!

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