Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ten on Tuesday....Memorable Vacations

10 Memorable Vacations

1. Yearly visits to Savannah, Georgia....seeing old friends, going to our favorite places to eat, taking in the charm of the historic district, going to the Tea Room, walking down River Street.

2. Yearly visits to New York City....being with our kids, taking in the City, Central Park, Bronx Zoo, Botanical Gardens, Wave Hill, and eventually a Broadway Show with my son (the date's still on, right?)

3. Saskatoon, Canada.....time with our grand daughter (that's always the big draw), enjoying the beauty of the City, the University, bridges, The Berry Barn, the Farmer's Market, just seeing the haunts of our Canadians and meeting their friends.

4. The summer our kids planned the Vacation and events. We went to Atlanta to Stone Mountain, the Zoo, Cyclorama, Six Flags, Braves' Game, Coke Museum, and ended up panning for gold in Dalonaga .

5. Blogger Babes Week in Savannah....six of us got together in Savannah for a wild, crazy week of fun. We did the historic tour, the tea room in hats, did all the crazy photo ops that the city provided and laughed all week. I still laugh just thinking about it.

6. The Christmas we went to Disney World and Sea World when the kids were very young.

7. Mission trip to Vienna, Austria and whirlwind drive through Germany and Switzerland.

8. Home School trip to Saint Augustine, Florida to see the fort and the alligator farms.

9. Trip to Epcot Center, Disney World, and Kennedy Space Center....just me and the mister.

10. Philadelphia.....happening this weekend, Franklin Institute, Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Betsy Ross house, who has the best cheese steak, first romantic get away in a very long time.


Melli said...

I LOOOOOOVE that you can anticipate a future vacation being a top 10 favorite!!! I hope it turns out to be EVERYTHING you want it to be!

YellowRose said...

You've had some wonderful memories!! I also added a future memory! ;) Have a wonderful trip!

MaR said...

What great list and lovely vacations!! Have fun in Philadelphia!!

Susan said...

Awwww...I hope you guys have a great time this weekend. I love your list, Daisy!! Of course, Blogger Babes would make my list as well.



Pear tree cottage! said...

memories are so wonderful and yours are just that "so wonderful!"

It is so nice bck here visiting after a long time (too long!)

Love Lee-ann

Me said...

All of your vacations sounds like stuff I'd love to do and, other than Atlanta and Europe, haven't ever done. Sounds like a lot of fun, and I enjoyed reading about your adventures.

Linda said...

I have some great memories of Stone Mountain. Sure wish I could remember the name of some great restaurant in Philly. I use to go there twice a year. (And, if you are interested, its a $15 bus ride to Atlantic City).
Have fun you two!!!

Lisa G said...

I've only been to NYC once--hubby is from there, and one of these days I want to go for the Christmas season. Rockefeller Center, Madison Avenue...it would be a neat trip. I live near St. Augustine, and never get tired of it!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I am so happy that some of your most favorite vacations have included..ME!! smile!! We did have and do have a lot of fun..please pray for hubby..Not feeling good...Just tired I think..I hope!! Sandy

Dawn said...

What a great list! The one that struck me the most was where you let your kids plan the vacation. I have got to remember to let my kids do that when they get a little older. Thank you for that tip! :-)

Teena in Toronto said...

I was in the Phillie airport in February!

Thanks for stopping by :)

Unknown said...

Mmhm. I have less than a fond memory of that trip to "St. Augustine"... when my mom left me in a grave yard surrounded by homeless men. Real educational home school experience.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I would take any of these about right now! :)

Joyce said...

Sounds like you've enjoyed some wonderful vacations, in widespread places. :)

Gattina said...

Your post just told me to go on holidays again ! (and I just came back !)

PJD said...

Philly is one of the few US cities I haven't been to that I need to see. My brother lived there three years, and I never visited him there. Shame on me!

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