Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Canadians will soon be in flight

Well the day I've been dreading is finally here. My Canadians head home this afternoon and so begins a long dry spell of being empty- nesters again. Our little nest has been bursting at the seams for the last month and we will miss the baby chatter, laughter and most of all the open mouth kisses from one little girl and the heart melting smiles as she runs to your arms.

We have been blessed to watch her grow in front of our eyes! I've loved going shopping with my girls, cooking and cleaning together, playing dominoes, actually being able to baby sit. We've enjoyed lots of strawberries, Chick-fil-a, the Bronx Zoo, and most of all the thrill of just being together.

We were able to go and have formal pictures made yesterday afternoon that were amazing. We ordered a bizillion so guess what everyone is getting for the next major holiday? I will be looking over pictures and reliving the moment for a very long time.

I'm sure there is a balance here some where. I love the extended time together created by the distance...but I hate the distance that keeps us apart for holidays and birthdays.

We leave this afternoon to take them to the airport. Keep them in your prayers as they fly back today. I'll be by to visit with you tomorrow.


YellowRose said...

I'm so glad you have had this time with your family, but I know you are going to miss them very much. Sending you a virtual hug!

Miss you!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Wow!! That is a great picture of you a Emma!! I can only imagine the empty feeling you have. GET BUSY!! Do something and try to keep yourself going!! That is what i used to do. Finally somehow I just got used to it!! You will too..Believe me..I finally got a blog done today. Been very busy. I am a painting FOOL right now!! The Fool part is right!! Only one more room to go!! YES


Jane said...

Bless you little heart.....I know you are feeling a little lonesome now. Just imagine a big ol' hug from me, it's not the same but it comes from a heart of love!!!
By the way, my friend, you are looking MAHvalous!!!!

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