Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday Tidbet.....Prayer Reminder

Long before the invention of sticky notes, PDA's , and computers, people used to tie a string around their finger to help them remember something important. I am very privileged to be entrusted with friends and family members who have very specific prayer requests and needs that I am committed to pray for on a daily basis. Some times the needs are time specific and more urgent and I have found that I need something to remind me to stop and pray during my day. I have tied a string around my finger or even a ribbon around my wrist to remind me to breath a prayer every time I see it or notice it.

If you feel it would look unprofessional to wear a string on your finger at work, try this more discreet method for remembering prayer requests: If you usually wear a watch on one wrist, put it on the other wrist. It probably will feel strange. Each time you notice its presence, say a prayer.


Melli said...

Hmmmm... I'm thinkin' I would never be able to get my watch clasped onto my right arm with my left hand. BUT if I COULD I'm sure it would cause me to do a LOT of praying!!!

Jane said...

Good idea Daisy......I'm praying for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. I don't wear a watch, but I have a bracelet that would do the trick. You are in my prayers daily!

Mercedes said...

This is wonderful! I could switch up my livestrong bracelet and watch. Great idea!

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