Monday, March 03, 2008

Shout Out to Boy Wonder

Today Boy Wonder goes back to college! We think it is a good decision on his part and has been a long time in coming. He dropped out when he was 20 as he told us , "I'm just wasting my time and your money."

No parent likes to see their child drop out of college and flounder around for a while. In Boy Wonder's case it has probably helped him mature, helped him develop a strong work ethic and taught him the importance of an education. Studying doesn't come easily to him but he has always been determined and once he sets his mind on a project there is no stopping him.

Andy is pretty laid back till he decides to "throw the switch" and then he becomes very focused. When he was a small boy playing soccer his coach would yell at him, "Andy use your head!" to which he would respond....."I'm thinking coach, I'm thinking!"

"NO!" yelled the coach, "Hit the ball with your head!"

Andy's soccer playing was also laid back until the first time he got knocked down by another player. He would pick himself up and mentally "throw the switch". Immediately he would be focused, determined, and all over the field.

This is Andy's first grade picture......I can hardly wait to attend his college graduation. "Use your head son!" Stay focused and determined!

Signed your biggest fan,



Ladybug Crossing said...

Awww... how cool!!
He will do great!

Melli said...

YAY! # ChEErs for Andy!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!!! I knew he was a SMART boy all along!

Melli said...

Smarter than ME, for sure!!! I meant 3 (three) cheers!!! ROFL!

Jane said...

That's FABulous!! Like you said, it is so hard to watch our children trying to 'find' themselves and standing by and LETTING them!
Bravo for Andy!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey I am so happy to hear that!! He is a smart young man!! I always knew that. He is one of my favorites of course!! I think it is a great decision for him. Go Andy go!!
We are in Illinois and are under a storm warning. It has rained all day and now we are waiting for a big snow storm. YIPEE!! Always when I come it does this. Sandy

YellowRose said...

Way to Go, Boy Wonder!!! I know mom and dad are proud!!! May college be a wonderful experience for him!

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