Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Surgery will be at noon today.

Today I'm having surgery for the lap band procedure. I've never had general anesthesia before so I'm really pretty nervous about the whole thing. I report in at 9:30 (which is about two hours before the actual surgery).

The surgery is laproscopic , a band is put around the upper part of the stomach forming a pouch that holds approximately a half a cup of food. The band gives you the feeling of fullness with much less food. Nothing is cut so the food is absorbed normally and goes through the small and large intestine and eliminated normally through the colon.

Today I was on clear liquids the entire day and went through a bowel prep. When I get home I will be on blended foods for the next 4 weeks.

I doubt seriously I'll be home before this evening. Say a prayer for me.


Baba said...

Good morning my friend, I see that you are awake too early this morning.You are going to have an exciting journey ahead...Wishing you a prayed up day...Love ya.. hugs

Ladybug Crossing said...

You will be fine...
You are all prayed up, girl!

Gattina said...

I wish you good luck, you will see anaesthesia is not so terrible, only the day after, they you can have a little "hangover" ! But this surgery will make you very happy !

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

You know that we are thinking and praying for you today!! Take care my friend, Sandy

Melli said...

I YAM prayin' you Dear Daisy! Even through the Vicodin Haze... I am prayin' ... and God is listenin! Soon we'll be LOOPY together!!!

Linda said...

I'll be praying for you today! Since you've already gone through the worse part of the procedure (the bowl prep)the rest should be a breeze!

I feel silly telling you about an award I have for you. Come and get it when you are feeling better.

I'll check in with you later.


Jane said...

You have been in my prayers my dear, dear friend. I know God is with you and I look forward to hearing a good report real soon.
I love and appreciate you!!!

Susan said...

I believe with all of my heart that this is a God-thing. I am so excited to hear the outcome of it all. I, too, am praying here.

Love you much!!

:-) Susan

Unknown said...

You've been in my thoughts and prayers ALL DAY!!!!!! I didn't call this morning because I wasn't sure what time you were leaving.

Rachel said to tell you she is sooooo happy for you!!!!!!!

Blessings to you my sweet friend and sister!!!

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers, too. I am anxious to hear about the surgery amd about how it works for you. After reading about this, I want to look into it for myself. So tell us all about it once you've recovered and feeling well again.

Carole Burant said...

Dearest Daisy, I do hope it all went well today, my prayers and thoughts are with you!! xoxo

MaR said...

Thinking of you, Lazy Daisy...

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