Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Seven...Prayer and Praise Edition

(Avenue of Trees used by permission from awesome friend, neighbor and photographer Beckie Fitzgerald, for more of her incredible pictures click here.)

Sunday Seven....Prayer and Praise Edition

1. The picture above takes away my reminds me of the possibilities of life. So often we travel down the road looking for the next turn or the next big opportunity way off in the foggy distance but fail to see the beauty of the place that we are currently in. My friend Beckie takes gorgeous pictures of God's handiwork and we both agree God is an awesome painter and designer. There is beauty all around us if we will only open our eyes and take it all in. (Prayer: Thank you God for being able to see your finger print all around me.)

This is a rare picture of my friend Beckie....She likes to be behind the camera instead of in front of it. She really liked this antique camera so I was able to get her to pose beside it.

2. Praise the Lord for our friends Sandy and Mike. They just celebrated their 44th Anniversary this past week. (That's what happens when you marry right out of high school!) Sandy and I have been best friends forever and I can't imagine my life without her in it. We always stay with them whenever we are in Savannah (at least once a year if not more!) She knows me well and still likes me!

Sandy and Mike . Mike is still smiling after having his home invaded by the Blogger Babes this last October.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help bring in more business for Mike. Amen!

3. Praise: We were able to load a container of clothing, sheets and blankets for typhoon victims in Bangladesh this past weekend. We loaded on over 800 boxes that weighed between 25 and 50 pounds. Prayer: We still need about 200 boxes of summer clothing to complete the shipment. Guess who will be boxing clothing this week?

This is Mr. Wonderful sitting on our mountain of clothing yet to be sorted and boxed. We call it Mount Clothesmore. Yes, that is a regulation height basketball goal behind give you some perspective of how big the pile has grown.

4. January is a month of new beginnings. What better way to start the year than with a day of prayer at the mission. I am convinced that when we work, we work; but when we pray....God Works! It was a great time to spend in corporate worship and prayer. We are excited to see what opportunities God will bring our way when we decided to join HIM in His work rather than asking Him to bless our work.

5. Our friend and blog sister Jane of Cozy Reader is in Venezuela this week. It is a country with many problems and lots of restrictions. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they minister to the people and pastors. Please pray for their protection and safe travel.

6. Praise: Our daughter Becky is having a birthday on Friday. It's a big birthday for her....and this past year has certainly seen some big changes in her life and a very particular wonderful addition to our family. She is back to teaching at the university as well as working on her Master's Degree. (Love ya babe!)

7. A Big SHOUT OUT to all of my friends and family who got ignored this week because the demands of life. It happens sometimes....know that you are loved and prayed up though.

Well, that's life from the Daisy Patch this week. It's been cold outside but I've kept warm thought close to my heart. Cue the music, dim the lights and meet me back here next week. Feel free to leave any prayer request in my comments or drop me an email....I have lots of time to pray while boxing clothing.


Unknown said...

Lots to be thankful for here. I love the first picture too.

Unknown said...

WOW!!!! Thank you my very special friend! I'm overwhelmed!! I forgot about that other shot ~ not to bad considering the subject matter.

Wonderful list and I enjoyed it very much Daisy!!!


Baba said...

Hi Daisy, You and Mr. Wonderful will have a special place in heaven one day .... you have done his great works here on earth by helping all of his needy.... Bless you both for being saints...Hugs, Baba

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I may not be on for a bit as I am traveling to Illinois in the morning on Delta. I am not sure whether Becky is going or not. She is still trying to make up her mind!! I am though. Dad is having a lot of problems as I have wrote to you. Please pray for him and as I travel too. Love Sandy

Ladybug Crossing said...

Love that list. Your clothing pile is pretty high. Should we schedule a mission trip to help you?? Eh.. we'd get nothing done, 'cause all we'd do is chat it up...

Linda said...

Omg!!! Look at all those clothes. But also think how much they will help those that need them.

Becky's pictures are awesome!!! What a great photographer. That's the type of pictures I vision me taking at some point in the future.

Pear tree cottage! said...

What a wonderful Sunday Seven Daisy, it is always a pleasure to visit you here to find out what payers are out there from a very special lady like yourself and to see the wonderful work you do.

I will pray you always have good health and happiness so that your good work can continue - if that is ok!


purple_kangaroo said...

Wow, lots going on! Blessings to you and all your endeavors.

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