Sunday, November 29, 2020

Oreo's Adventures in Chocolate

The misadventures of Oreo the

wonder pup
...hopefully not his last adventure.

Oreo has a history of being alone on the streets.  He is an older rescue dog and you don't get to be 12 plus without being a scavenger.  Oreo loves to get into the trash cans and eat whatever he finds.  He is persistent and we found out that he can get up on the dining room chair and pull things off the table. 

Oreo, was inside while I was outside with the younger boys blowing bubbles.  Poppa was downstairs with Oscar.  Charlie Bear walked inside the kitchen and found Oreo eating chocolate chips on the kitchen floor. He ate about half the package of semi-sweet mini chips.

Needless to say, he was not happy when we took it away from him and put him into his crate for quiet meditation and reflection. 

A Google search states that chocolate is toxic for dogs and usually takes 6 to 12 hours for symptoms to occur.  We call the emergency vet and Charlie has taken Oreo in for treatment.  I don't know if they will pump his stomach or keep him overnight. 

Prayers are appreciated.  Feeling like a bad dog mom.


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