Life in isolation is not as fun as I thought it would be. The first week I didn't change out of pajamas cause there was nowhere to go and no one to see. We check-in with our family members either by phone, text message or Marco Polo videos so they would know we are alive and well. We binged watched so many TV shows that I'm surprised that a third eye didn't appear on my forehead!
I live with Mr. "Worse Case Scenario" and it gets really draining hearing all the gloom and doom from the TV and then having Charlie take it one or two steps farther with horrible what if's. I think I will have to start scheduling some "meltdown time". My meltdowns usually include chocolate or ice cream. Right now we have neither so forget that.
We grocery shop every two weeks now. It looks like I will have to start doing some cooking for variety. We can still get take out food but Charlie is reluctant as he doesn't know who is cooking it and doesn't like to relinquish control over the preparation. We are in our own home. We go out for walks with the dog. We have contacts with friends online and steaming church services. Charlie is my best friend but sometimes you just really need a good girlfriend or your daughters to commiserate with.
Looking forward to more of the same tomorrow. Till then...
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