Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hello Coronavirus-19

Hello, long-forgotten blog, 

Today is 2 weeks since we have been housebound due to our advanced age and physical health situations.  We are being protected from being exposed to the coronavirus-19 from friends and loved ones.  Schools are closed, churches, stores, gyms, restaurants, sporting events, and life, in general.

Social Distancing is now a term everyone is encouraged to do.  ( Be at least 6 feet away from others, no hugging, handshakes, fist-bumping, or touching in any way). This, as you may well know, is really hard on huggers of which I hold advanced degrees. 

Charlie was supposed to go to Cuba, March 11th but came down with a cold, hacking cough, and low energy. I persuaded him to cancel his trip as I really didn't want him to be quarantined in Miami or worse yet in Cuba. It turns out the cold was a blessing from God or he would have gone. God's timing is amazing.  I told him I wouldn't want to be seated next to him on a small plane and neither would anyone else.

Now our outings are walking around the block with the dog, sitting on the back porch and grabbing some vitamin D from the sun, or doing yard work.  Charlie brought our rebounder upstairs for me to use because of the rainy weather. So now I can put on my tunes and bounce away the pounds.

We have had to set a schedule for us to do every day or we tend to do nothing at all except binge watch TV.  We are cooking more and I  may actually get out my cookbooks and see what I can whip up.  Cleaning out the pantry is on the list and putting away supplies is high on the to-do list also.

My prayer life has never been better.  We have services streaming so watch many worship services from our favorite churches.  We pour out our cranberry juice and crackers to participate in communion with others.  We have our little communion cups made out of olive wood from Israel that we use.

We are writing notes of encouragement to my mom in the nursing home, students, shut-ins, friends, and relatives.

We used face time to chat with Becky and Danny in Canada.  We also use Marco Polo videos to keep in touch.

I need to use this time to journal and catch up on my blog posts for the grandchildren and actually start a new blog for little Lexi.  She just turned one and is walking now.  The little girls live in Texas and we are blessed if we get to see them once a year.  

I need to start reading too.  The library is closed but I have books here I haven't read so need to use my time more productively.

Speaking of using my time better, guess I better start.  

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