Saturday, January 31, 2015

Our cats own us.

Meet the cats, Lucy Grey and JJ the orange marmalade .  They like to sleep on our bed during the day.  They are 12 years old now so have become seniors like the the two of us.

Did you know that owning a pet has been associated with a bunch of different health benefits? The root of these health benefits is probably the fact that owning a companion animal reduces stress and depression. This is probably because the love hormone, oxytocin (which we produce in response to physical touch, feelings of connection, love, and positive social interactions), regulates adrenal function and neurotransmitter production, with the overall effect of lowering cortisol production in response to stress and supporting brain chemistry linked with improved mood and resilience to stress. Oxytocin also regulates the immune system, and there are a number of fascinating research papers showing improvements in disease outcome with touch, human connection, and yes, pets.

Anything that reduces stress improves a variety of health conditions. In fact, reducing stress has been shown to be beneficial in every chronic disease in which a link has been investigated. So it's no surprise that companion animals also reduce blood pressure, reduce serum cholesterol, improve outcome in cardiovascular disease sufferers, lower risk of heart attack, reduce allergies, reduce obesity, lower risk of stroke, improve rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, and benefit those with ADHD.

Our cats have taught us that cat napping is a good thing.  There's good evidence humans can benefit from catnaps, too. A study involving about 24,000 people indicates regular nappers are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than people who nap only occasionally. Short naps can also enhance alertness and job performance.

Our cats love to be near us and are especially nice to snuggle up with on cold winter days.  They bring us dead mice, and greet us first thing every morning.  We have a brother and sister that have been together all their lives so they are pretty spoiled and have spoiled us.

As much as I miss our dog Spot...I must admit the cats are easier to care for and much more independent.  You own a dog, a cat owns you.

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