Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I used to be a good writer

  Charlie and I decided to take a selfie in front of the welcome to Tennessee visitor center.  The first one looked just like this.  This is what Mr. Wonderful's concentration face looks like.  After a good laugh and telling him that face would scare our grandchildren I asked him to take it again....this time looking pleasant.  (This is the second picture which was absolutely identical to the first picture).  This is why old people should never try to take a selfie. 

    I spent the morning reading over old blog posts that I wrote 13 years ago.  I marvel at all of our adventures and especially my interpretation of the everyday events of life.  It was a nice trip down memory lane.  I laughed, I cried, and even had a few aww moments.  I surprised myself with how good some of my posts were and how lame lots more were.  I enjoyed seeing my life recorded with pictures and stories.

    I like that I wrote down some interesting stories about my children 's youth and funny family stories that maybe they have forgotten or maybe never knew.  I'm glad there is a record of me that will be around forever long after I'm gone.

     It was also a sad trip thinking about who I used to be....
  • I used to be funny and a good writer.
  • I used to write every day.
  • I used to have a point of view.
  • I used to go out of my way to have something to blog about.
  • I used to be much more adventurous.
     So I have decided to blow the dust off my lazy daisy log and start blogging again for my own amusement and to everyone else's amazement.  I can't promise you it will be good but it will be honest and most especially my interpretation of life from the daisy patch.


beeks said...

Yay! Looking forward to it. My blog is just a sad space these days.

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