Monday, May 24, 2010

What? Me Worry?

"Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself." Mathew 6:34 Worry is one of the ways we try to control our world. This was the thought on my page-a-day calendar. I tend to be a worrier and fretter. Being married to a "Worse Case Scenario " kind of guy has only made my anxieties more pronounced. What my overactive brain can't conceive, my "gloom and doom", and "what if" guy supplies with graphic details, giving me way too much information to contemplate. I worry about all kinds of things. I worry about my kids, my grandbabies, my health, Mr. Wonderful's health, our finances, home improvement projects, vacation details, my mom, my extended family, my job, my commitments, my time, my friends and don't even get me started on world affairs.

   I even worry when I don't have anything to worry about...did I miss something important? I was greatly convicted to read that worry is a way we try to control our world. How can I control my world when I can't even control my hair (even with hair gel)? Way too often I tend to think of myself "as God's last resource". I'm sure that must give God a chuckle. I've often shared with God a solution to many of my worries (just in case He was too busy taking care of the world and needed suggestions.) Most times God just smiles, winks at me, and says, "just trust me." I love it when God winks at you. It's like He lets you in on a plan He has been working on all along. 
   It's a light bulb moment, a divine dance of exhilaration, a warm hug of acknowledgment, reassurance that when I'm at the end of my resources He hasn't even started. 
    One such wink occurred while we were visiting Savannah. I awoke to discover a familiar pain that I thought might be a urinary tract infection. Sure enough, by mid-morning, there was no doubt about it. I was miserable and getting worse. My friend took me to "a doc in the box" called Immediate Med where I was seen by a doctor who confirmed that I indeed had a urinary tract infection. As he handed me a prescription he casually mentioned, "If you take this prescription to Publix's they will give it to you for free." Me: "Free, as in no money?" Doc: " Yes, free, as in no charge but only for antibiotics". Me: "I'm not a Georgia resident and we don't have insurance." Doc: "It doesn't matter. Publix will give it to you for free." Me: " Do I have to sign up to be an organ donor or something?" Doc: "No, just give them the prescription." Needless to say, we went right to Publix (a grocery store chain in the south) where they did fill my prescription for Cipro (normally costing about a hundred dollars.) God knew it would have been a stretch for us to cover the cost. Thanks for the wink! post signature


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