Monday, May 24, 2010

Lint from my Brain

Lint from my brain.... nothing earthshaking just some leftover thoughts that got stuck there! Crown Me.....I went through the trauma of another dental visit. Mr. Wonderful knows how I dread going and thought it would be a good idea if I got it out of the way so one day after my original visit, he accepted a cancellation visit at 8 a.m. for the crown. I guess he was hoping I'd still be asleep and wouldn't notice. Wrong! It went better than it should have, and I lived through the experience with only shooting pains to my wallet.

   We have had some really lovely peonies blooming. I put some on our table. I love the big blooms and beautiful pink color. We are in process of getting our square-foot gardens planted. We are harvesting strawberries right now. Yum! I always think I need to change my hairstyle since I've basically had the same hairdo for the past twenty years. I let it grow till I can't stand it any longer and finally get it cut in the same style. Some people are stuck in a rut and I'm very comfortable in mine! There's a lot to be said about "my blow-and-go hairstyle!" Look at my Oscar. Is it me or is he growing up way too quickly? He is wearing his Mets Baseball Cap that Uncle Andy got him. What a cutie. We are making plans to meet up with his Mommy and Daddy for a visit with Grand Diva in Virginia Beach in August. It will be so much fun to see him take on the Atlantic Ocean and the beach for the first time. My mom has never met her great-grandson so it should be fun. Speaking of Oscar....this is a picture of Oz and me checking out the dinosaur's teeth. The Dino is a part of the child section of our local library and her name is Lucy. In case you can't tell which one is the dinosaur and which one is me...I have the cap on and glasses! Isn't this a great picture of my girls? We were able to have a video conference with Becky and Emma on Sunday afternoon. Emma sang songs for us and promised some new pictures in the mail. We were able to take some family shots while in Canada with the 5 of us. I love comparing them year after year to see how much we have all changed. That's all that's going on at the Daisy Patch!

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Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Glad you made it through you crown Mrs. DIVA!! I go tomorrow morning...I am not looking forward to it. Nice lint from your brain today. Still have an inkling of that ole' headache. I finally had to take a tramadol and it makes it leave just makes me sleepy...Take care...

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