Monday, May 17, 2010

Some winks from God

This past weekend was the first weekend we have had at home without volunteers at the mission or traveling. It was nice to catch up on some home projects. The nest needed some tending even though all our baby birds have flown . The picture is of our garage. Our youth pastor and his son painted the roof for us on Saturday. Our church had a community work day and Stacy had a crew out at our "nest" to paint the roof of our home two weeks ago. They must have looked down from the roof and thought ..."That garage roof needs paint a lot more than the house." It was such a blessing and almost like a wink from God.

My friend Melli, posted a picture of a plant that came up on it's own without her having planted it. I have a similar one . Would you believe it's perfectly centered? I think it's a fern. My guess is that a bird must have excreted a seed that took root. Regardless of the origin it's pretty and will be greeting guests to the nest.

Here's a close up of the same plant. If it's a weed don't tell me!

This is a my wind ribbons hanging on the porch. It adds a flash of color. Wasn't it a perfect weather day? We were able to get our outside work done .

Hope your weekend was wonderful.

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Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Thanks for stopping by my new blog!! You saw where I got this new name. Thought it was time to change.
I see you are flying the colors..I am too only on my front porch!!
Hope your dental appt was okay. Mine was but have some extensive money!

Melli said...

Actually... I took a picture of a fern JUST like that that popped up ALMOST in the street while I was walking Saturday morning. It was a pretty little thing! I have some ferns that grow wild in my woods - they probably are sOMe kind of weed... but they are PRETTY ones! I would keep it too! God loves you!

Jane said...

Aren't helpful friends wonderful!!! That "serendipitous" plant is wonderful. I don't know anything about plants but I think it is a fern too!!
Stop by my place and see pictures of our grandson...Elijah!!!

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