Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Fave Five

 Friday Fave Five in which we share our five favorite things from the past week. Thank you Susanne for hosting this inspirational sharing game!

 1. This is a shout-out to my Mr. Wonderful. As you can see from the picture he's a swinger! Thank you for being a wonderful traveling companion, hand holder, bag carrier, best friend, soul mate, dad, Poppa, and playmate. I'd go anywhere with you. Thank you for the crazy schedules, car trips, special treats, and for just being there every day. Just wanted you to know how much you are loved. 2. This is a thank you to my Canadians, Becky, Jerry, and Emma. I loved being with you and miss you all so much now. Thanks for letting us meet your friends and play at the park, see the places and people you love and be a part of your life. We felt so pampered and loved. 3. Our home and especially our bed. Did you ever notice how nice the home is after you've been traveling? I'm a total bed snob and love the warmth and comfort of my own bed, pillows, cats curled up at our feet, and Mr. Wonderful in arm's reach. Dorothy was right there is no place like home. I'm enjoying my house all over again. 4. Being a Mom, and being able to spend the day with my daughter and granddaughter. This was the first mother's day I've been able to spend with Becky since she became a mom. I enjoyed being spoiled rotten and lots of hugs and kisses from Miss Emma. 5. We were able to find so many new gluten-free foods in Canada. It was like a treasure hunt! We ate really well and brought home gluten-free mixes, crackers, Saskatoon berry jam, jelly, and chocolates. Looks like my kids are going to have to start sending us care packages. It was wonderful to find some new foods and treats. I hope your week was just as wonderful as mine.

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Melli said...

Away is a wonderful place to be... but HOME is always a comfort! (if it just didn't involve "work"...) LOL!

I'm so glad you've had a great week!

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