We think we're made of numbers. Percentages on tests,
pounds on a scale,
"likes" on a photo,
price tags on clothes.
But we're not.
We are made of love and happiness and the way we laugh.
We're made of good memories and late
nights and past-curfews.
We have more substance than numbers.
You're not what you look like.
You're the music you listen to,
the shows you watch,
the art you make,
the flowers in your hair,
your favorite blanket.
You're not the pimple on your nose
or the pudge on your stomach.
You're not your thighs or your teeth.
You're your favorite band,
you're the mismatch socks you wear.
You're what you love,
you're not what you look like or the body you are in.
Written by Michaela Tripp
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