Saturday, March 02, 2024

Best description of me

When I’m all in, I’m all in.
If you’re my people, I truly mean that. You’re my people.
When I love, I love.
So, I’m going to call. I’m going to text. I’m going to ask how you are. I’m going to want to hang out. I’ll probably drop off a gift or two and I’m going to want to know what’s going on in your life and I’m going to tell you what’s going on in mine. I know it’s a lot.
I know it’s too much for some people.
I know it is, but it’s who I am. It’s who I’ve always been. I’m working on boundaries and I’m working on not coming off like a puppy dog who just came inside for the first time all day. I’m working on making sure it all comes from an overflow of the love I have inside me as opposed to some feeble attempt to earn approval. I never want to be desperate or needy or clingy, but sometimes I am. Sometimes I am searching for validations and I’m working on that.
But I care. I have a high capacity for friendship, and I will always crave connection. It’s wired into my DNA, so I don’t think it’s going anywhere.
If that’s not something you can handle, listen. I get it. And I’m not mad. I don’t blame you in the least. You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last, but…go find less. You won’t have any trouble, because there’s an abundance of less out there. If I could change, I promise. I would. I’ve spent the majority of my life trying to fit the mold, but…
I like me.
I like giving.
I like showing up. I like bells and whistles and hoopla and not caring what anyone thinks. I am most comfortable when you know exactly where I stand and when my entire heart is on the line. It’s how I operate.
I don’t like walking on eggshells, pretending, surface-level stuff, or playing it cool to fit in. I don’t like wondering if you like me or if you don’t. I don’t like constantly wondering if I’m living up or down to who you want me to be, and I absolutely cannot stand half-way
And while it wouldn’t be fair of me to expect you to snap your fingers and be someone you’re not, I guess it goes both ways.
So you can love it about me or you can hate it about me, but when I’m in, I’m all in.

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