Monday, June 25, 2018

Not Again!

Once again, I'm starting a new diet.   What a surprise!  I have been flirting with fasting and have successfully fasted for 7 days.  However, when I started eating again the weight came right back.  This diet is similar but instead of fasting and eating one meal you have an 8-hour window to eat your meals.  It supposedly reboots the internal clock that regulates hormone production, fat burning, and detoxification makes slimming effortless plus delivers an array of benefits like sunnier moods and supercharged energy.

Vincent Pedre, M.D., author of Happy Gut, says adjusting your diet so you eat all your meals during an 8-hour window at least 3 days a week will bring you all these benefits.  Suggestion:  You might close up the kitchen at 7pm and resume eating at 11 am the next morning.

"If you want to keep your body clock synced, one of the best things you can do is maintain regular meal times", advises David Earnest PH.D.,  circadian-clock expert.  Keeping mealtimes consistent from day to day increases the population of the beneficial bacteria that keep our body clock synced.

Go for these Proteins.  Eggs, beans, tofu, and fish because they are less likely to disrupt your good bacteria. 

Swap out sugar.  Eat low sugar fruit like berries or melon is fine in moderation.

Fill up on fiber.  Eat three servings daily of foods that are rich in slimming fibers, like brown rice, lentils, asparagus, onions, or mushrooms.  Eat plenty of prebiotic-rich plant-based foods. They allow the beneficial bacteria to flourish in the gut.

Up your water intake.  Women need 8 glasses of water per day for optimal hydration.  Women who drank 16 oz of water 30 minutes before each meal lost 550 percent more weight over 3 months than those who didn't drink water before meals.
Time-restricted eating can dramatically increase brain function.

So wish me luck, I'm on my weigh.  



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