Saturday, June 02, 2018


My June goals are up and so far I am doing rather well to keep up with them.  

I am not lazy, nor am I driven by guilt to accomplish things at the expense of my health, my frustration level, or my good humor.

Mr. Wonderful is driven by everything that he should, could, or might need to do.  I think he is overwhelmed by all the choices and opportunities and doesn't want to waste any time just relaxing.

Me....not so much!  I worked 25 years on the night shift at the hospital.  I worked 12-hour shifts and still was a full-time mom.  So now my body doesn't sleep much, I'm overweight, lazy and not highly motivated. ( Other than that...Life is good.)

I do better with monthly goals and am trying really hard to write every day, take more pictures, and be more encouraging.  I am trying to catch up on my grandchild blogs also.  Charlie's response to my organization, and writing..."You aren't dying are you?"  

No, but I still have lots of stories I need to tell.  Stories that are cute about my kids growing up that I'm sure they have forgotten.  Stories that I want to pass on to their children while they are still in my memory.

My mom is 91 and little by little her memory is slipping.  I enjoy telling her stories that she once told me as a child.  She smiles sweetly and says, "Did I really do that?"  My children and grandchildren do not really know her.  So it is up to me to write down our family history.

I need to do generational curses and praises chart for our family.  My kids need to know what curses and disease our family is prone to as well as all the good things.  So Lord keep me motivated. 
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