Monday, October 25, 2010

Black Apple Dolls

This past September I got involved in a "ladies sewing circle" while visiting our Suzy. Suzy's best friend came all the way from North Carolina to spend some alone time with her and there is nothing that these crafty ladies like any better than finding something new to make.

These are some pattern pieces cut out of scrap material to make "Black Apple Dolls". If you would like to make these "Rag Dolls" you can find the pattern here.

The crafting began in earnest when Oscar went to bed in the evening. There was lots of giggling and "do you remember whens?" Suzy and Christie graciously let me be one of the girls and our sewing circle would last well into the early hours of the morning.

I decided to make one for Emma and one for Oscar(.....and one for new baby brother later on when we know more about him.) The problem was how to make one look like a boy. Bear in mind gentle reader that it has been such a long time since I have launched out in a venture to sew that it took Mr. Wonderful two days to even find my sewing machine! (It was hiding out with the Christmas decorations in the attic.)

So here's my Oz and here's Rag Doll Oz .....believe me it was a labor of love!

They look a little alike....

Sorry buddy, your Diva tried really hard but you are one of a kind and can never be duplicated.

Hope you like my attempt!

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Unknown said...

Aww... So sweet, momma! The hat turned out great, too!

Carole Burant said...

I think you did really well and no doubt Oz will love his little rag doll! I haven't taken out my sewing machine in over 20 years, it must still look brand new in the case! lol I hem pants, that's about all the sewing talent that I have:-) xoxo

Melli said...

Those are cute cute CUTE! They remind me of the Dammit Dolls I used to make... only... I HOPE these will last longer. I'm not quite sure why they're called Black Apple though... ???

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