Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to work.....

I'm a little overwhelmed today. I'm back at the mission and digging out. While I was gone the Tuesday volunteers replaced two of the five windows that are in the medical room. It's warmer, but now I'm trying to reassemble my desk and find all my projects that got scattered in the renovations.

I've got a small area where I can work now. It will take a few more Tuesday's to replace the remaining windows so I'm trying to overlook the mess and make some paths from place to place. I have some projects that I can work on at home on my computer if I get too overwhelmed.


Norma said...

You could probably write a TT on all the misplaced or missing things!

Here's mine.

Melli said...

Ohhhhh... Ohhhh... (do you hear me moaning and grooooaning?)... I FEEEEEL a case of Overwhelm coming on... I think I need to go sit in the cozy warm corner of my nest with a cuppa hot tea and my very own computer to do this work... Ohhhhh....

Am I convincing? I LOVE YOU!

Carole Burant said...

Nothing worse than getting back to work and finding everything in an upheaval! Hopefully you can soon get everything organized again. Deep breaths and a nice hot cup of tea will work wonders:-) xoxo

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Wow..nice to see you blogging once again. I have been bad lately at blogging that is...I am just getting behind!! Getting back to work after being gone is always an awful thing to have to do.
We are doing well here. It is raining and in the mid 50's this Sunday afternoon..

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