Friday, October 24, 2008

13 Reasons why I don't have a spirit of adventure!

13 Reasons Why I Don't Have a Spirit of Adventure!

1. Yes, I know yesterday was Thursday but I was busy! I was afraid that I wouldn't get all my work done and would feel guilty about leaving for a week.

2. I think I was wading in the shallow in of the gene pool when bravery was passed out and I missed out.

3. I don't like doing thing by myself. I'm a great Ethel to Melli's Lucy. A wonderful Dale Evans to Cowboy Mr. Wonderful (happy trails to you!). The mother of three adventuresome spirits (two in New York and one in the wide open spaces of Canada). The prayer partner of many a missionary on the field. The shotgun person beside the driver and the one taking the picture of the blogger babes climbing on statues.

4. I'm a home body. I like nothing better in than just being in my own daisy patch with my cats and Mr. Wonderful. Throw in some good books and some snuggle time and I am so there.

5. I'm skittish! I jump at the suspenseful parts in the movie....just ask Floozie. Loud noises make me jump, near accidents make me flinch too. Mr. Wonderful knows that when I flinch something bad is about to happen. I flinch long before I can call out a warning.

6. I'm a pampered poodle! I'm used to Mr. Wonderful taking charge of our travel plans. He is the organized one and prepared for any emergency. I just sit back and let him do his thing.

7. My weight has been a factor too. Will I be able to put the seat belt on without an extender? I've always been able to overflow onto Mr. Wonderful's seat and he was okay with that.

8. I have an overactive imagination. Mr. Wonderful prepares for the worst case scenario I imagine the whole scene vividly. When my kids were late coming home I could picture them dead in a ditch somewhere.

9. I think being hit by a car in the parking lot while just walking to my own car shook me up more than I thought. I think I'm not as trusting of the universe as I once was.

10. I'm used to having somebody hold my hand and tell me it's going to be alright even when it isn't. Yes, I know that God is always with me but some times I need God with skin on.

11. New adventures can be stressful. I'm totally out of my comfort zone and have to deal with whatever problems come up on my own.

12. Mr. Wonderful always lay a guilt trip on me whenever I take off without him. He likes being indispensable in my life. However I am pretty sure he will enjoy his cave time while I'm gone.

13. Chicken Little has nothing on me! I'm the first to say" Uncle", the first to duck, and the first one out of the plane. If you look up coward in the dictionary you will find my picture.

So having confessed to all the above I'm leaving tomorrow morning on a jet plane for New York City. Keep me prayed up. Miss you already.


Melli said...

You are sooooooooo prayed up! And I wish I was flying too! WITH you! Although... flying couldn't POSSIBLY be as much fun as a ROAD TRIP!!! (especially the getting locked out of the car part!!!) *nods* Oh how I LONG for those days! Wanna go to Wisconsin with me in the Spring?

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

YOU ARE NOT A COWARD!! You would tell me to STOP that!! So stop that!! You will have a wonderful wonderful time with cuddling that new little one...Keep in touch..Sandy

Jane said...

You got it and I are two peas in a pod!!!! So, yes, you are prayed up. I think the excitement of being with Miss Suzy and little Oscar will make the travel better.
Do share your adventure with all of us. We want to be there vicariously through you.

Baba said...

You will do fine and have a great time with your family and baby Oscar..Give him a hug from me..Flying gets you there so much quicker..I like to fly if I am not over water for a long time...enjoy your week and Halloween with Oscar.
Hugs, Baba

Carole Burant said...

Hey, you're braver than I am...I won't even get on a plane!!! lol Have a safe and fun trip dear Daisy and take tons of pictures for us!! xoxo

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