Wednesday, November 11, 2020

more with one Oreo

Two old people and one old Oreo between them.   

Life with Oreo the wonder dog continues as we get to know him better.  He definitely has bonded with us and he likes his pack.

   His favorite place to be is in your lap and if you're eating a snack or your lunch, you are irresistible.   He does not like to be excluded from the bathroom and will bark once sharply at the closed door as if to say, " Are you alright in there?

These are the steps Charlie built for him so he can come "sit a spell" with the rest of the pack.  He loves to sleep curled up under your arm and many times I have had to ask Charlie to move him so I can take a potty break.  

We don't need an alarm because Oreo has an " old man bladder" and will let us know that we had better get up now or accidents might occur.  We are remarkably trained!

His breath is deadly ( worse than his farts!)  We have been working on his teeth with chew toys ( which he loves) and a water additive to neutralize his bad breath.  

He has another vet appointment next week to evaluate him for teeth scraping and possible extractions as some of his teeth are black.  They would have to put him to sleep so they need to check his blood work.

He is a very curious dog and likes to check our trash can.  So far he has found out that styrofoam takeout boxes make a lot of noise and someone will stop you from shredding them immediately. 

I am starting to wonder who is training who.


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