Two old people and one old Oreo between them.
Oreo met the grandboys yesterday. It was love at first sight on both sides. The boys like that he is small and not a yappy dog. Oreo liked them because they are boys and petted him and played with him.
Henry loves melty beads and made an Oreo dog. He asked Poppa for a magnet and hot glued it to the back. He put it low on the refrigerator so Oreo could see it too. Our daughter took this picture and it looks like Oreo is smiling.
Our boys helped us winterize the garden, bagged stems and debris, even trimmed the ditches and pulled off ivy from the trees. Oreo, the wonder dog, loved being outside with all of us and was continually being rescued from his leash getting tangled around trees or bushes. It totally tired him out as well Poppa and Diva!
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