Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Covid hits again.

Please be in prayer for Michael Householder, director of Global Church Growth ministries. He has been traveling with a group of missionaries going to various small churches in Texas and Oklahoma over the last two weeks staying in homes of church members.  

He has tested positive for Covid and is driving himself back home to Knoxville where he will quarantine himself in his home.

 According to his wife, he has been feeling rundown, headaches, and felt like it was allergies related but not responding to over-the-counter medication.  His tastebuds are affected but no having respiratory symptoms or fever at this time.

His wife, Jacque Householder, is a cancer survivor and very susceptible so please pray for God's protection over her too. 

Michael was quarantined early in March when he went to Cuba and returned home.  He will be staying downstairs in their basement apartment so will not have direct contact with her.

 Please pray for safety as he travels, wisdom to know when to stop, or if his condition worsens wisdom to seek medical intervention.

Thank you in advance!


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