Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Hello October 2O19

Hello October,

I was really thinking that the weather would be cooler and the leaves would start turning their true colors but we are continuing to have 90 plus degree heat and the leaves will probably turn brown and fall off because of the draught.  Last night the house was hot and we discovered that the air conditioner compressor finally gave up the ghost and died.  It made for a hot night in the old house last night.  The compressor is 20 years old so it wasn't too much of a surprise, just an annoyance. How long till we can get a repair person out to fix it also remains a mystery at the present.  They will get back to us in 24 to 48 hours to let us know when we can expect help.  How I love the" hurry up and wait game". (yes, that is sarcasm) .   

Currently, we are getting out a quarterly letter to our supporters about Charlie's up and coming trip to Cuba from October 14th through 21st.  The mailing list is about 200 people.  We also made a prayer reminder to send with the letters.  Hopefully, it will bring in some support money for the expenses of the trip.

I made a list of October goals as I do better with a check-off list.  I tend to be extremely lazy so I need motivation.  Yesterday we went to the library and I found the motherload of great books to read.   I came home with 5 books that I am excited to read, skim, check out recipes, and dive into adventures.

Mr. Wonderful and I celebrated Oscar's 11th birthday by attending his "Among US" space party. He is growing up so quickly and getting so tall.  He is a great hugger and loves to tell me about fast cars, computers, and books he is currently reading.  He never forgets to hug us and he has the sweetest prayers.

One of my goals is to blog every day and take more pictures.  Hope to see you tomorrow.

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