Friday, April 01, 2016

Calling Invisible Women

Hello long forgotten blog....let me introduce myself.  I know it has been a long time since I have written anything here so I have decided to start writing again.

Here are some of the things I've learned about me:

I watch way too much TV.  So we got rid of the cable and now have Hulu or Netflix.  I still binge watch more than I should but I am more discerning as to what I watch .

I tend to graze at night and eat items that are not healthy .  I'm hoping by blogging again it will stop my emotional eating.

I need a creative outlet and blogging will force me to go do or find something interesting to write about.

I tend to be an introvert (who knew?) and really enjoy my little nest.

My good friend Sue Browning introduced me to Overdrive.  It is an app that you can check out ebooks for 14 days from the library.

I've read 15 books in the last 2 months.  They disappear after 14 days.  I love it as I rarely read the same book twice so don't have to have it on my phone.

I always have a great book to read when I'm waiting on Charlie.  They also have some audio books that I love.  I can listen while doing other tasks.  

I just finished reading "Calling Invisible Women" by Jeanne Ray.

This was the review on Amazon:

   A mom in her early fifties, Clover knows she no longer turns heads the way she used to, and she's only really missed when dinner isn't on the table on time. Then Clover wakes up one morning to discover she's invisible--truly invisible. She panics even more when her family doesn't notice a thing. Her best friend immediately observes the change, which relieves Clover immensely--she's not losing her mind after all!--but she is crushed by the realization that neither her husband nor her children ever truly look at her. She was invisible even before she knew it.      Clover discovers that there are others like her, women of a certain age who seem to have disappeared.  As she uses her invisibility to get to know her family and her town better, Clover leads the way in helping invisible women become recognized and appreciated no matter what their role.  

I loved the book especially when I read more about the author.  She was 60 when she had her first book published.  She was a nurse for 40 years and is married to a Presbyterian minister.  (Our backgrounds are who knows maybe there is a novel in this old girl.)

The heroine discovers that invisibility gives you courage to do things you would never do in public.  It was a quick and fun read....kudos Jeanne Ray.

See ya tomorrow!

I just took my measurement today and discovered this is what I look like.



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