Saturday, March 07, 2015

Enjoy the journey

We've had lots of snow days, and bitterly cold weather lately.  I got my yearly cold from working out in the cold gym sorting clothing.  So this week in between blowing my nose and coughing  I have been trying to catch up on all the blogs I started for the grandchildren but have not kept up.

Andy and Rachel have a new little girl coming into their lives in July.  I am so proud of Andy as he has started a blog for his daughter and her siblings.  You can see his wonderful blog

This week I have started doing "catch up posts" on the blogs for the grandchildren.  Fortunately because of Facebook I can look back at pictures and remember some of the funny things that happened.

I have a blog for each of them because I have a different relationship with each of them.  Some of the post are the same but some are specific things we did with that child, and the adventures we had together.  Charlie and I just turned 65 so it occurred to me if we are going to enjoy the journey we had better start now.

Emma's blog has the most posts since she is our oldest grandchild.  The name of the blog is Diva's Diary and I originally wrote it for all the grands till I realized that they are all special and needed to know they are loved for who they are and not just because we are related.   Her blog can be found here 

I probably know Oscar the best as I have spent the most time with him.  I like to call him Oz cause watching him grow and develop has been like watching the Wizard of Oz.  His blog is called Diva's adventures in the land of Oz and can be found here

I started Charlie Bear's blog before he was born.  The first post was when he was still in the womb and about the size of an apple so his blog is call the Apple of Diva's Eye and can be found here

Henry's Blog is based on my love for Oh Henry candy bars as well as my love for my littlest boy.  When I was setting up this blog my fingers hit the keys in the wrong order so you may have trouble finding this one.  The name of the blog is Diva's Oh Henry and it can be found

Our newest grand daughter has her own blog as well.  Names are sacred and need to be shared first by the babies parents to the world.  Our Texas grandchild blog's is called Deep in Heart of Diva and can be found here

The purpose of these blogs are so our grandchildren will get to know us not just as Poppa and Diva but as people who loved them very much and want to be their cheerleaders.


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